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- G. Borger, A. de Kraker, T. Soens, E. Thoen, D. Tys (eds.); - Landscapes or seascapes ? The history of the coastal environment in the North Sea area reconsidered, Turnhout, Brepols, 2012.
- Author: Ed.: Jeffrey Grove. Texts: Jeffrey Grove u.a., Design: Kim Beinaert - Michael Borremans, As Sweet as it Gets . FR edition Hatje Cantz, 2014.
- Hofstede Annigje - Meubelkunst : 40 eeuwen meubelgeschiedenis Ons huis/Taurus, 1999. 3.
- René Lalique - René Lalique - 100 vases Exposition Doria 1988, 1988. 1.
- Komrij, Gerrit / Claus, Hugo [ill.] - Fata morgana. Gent : Ergo Pers , 2005, 2005.
- Anne-Catherine Baudoin - Ponce Pilate. La construction d?une figure dans la littérature patristique et apocryphe Brepols - Institut d'Etudes Augustiniennes, 2023.
- Stijn Streuvels, Frans Masereel - Kerstwake, Houtsneden van Frans MASEREEL. Kerstdag 1928 Kortrijk, Den Eikelaar, 1928.
- Paul van Capelleveen/ Tom Lanoye - Het moet niet mooi worden. De boeken van Tom Lanoye Museum Meermanno, 2009.
- Joeri de Bruyn / Dimitri Neyt - Polo architects Poponcini & Lootens Luster Publishing, 2015.
- POTZL - MALIKOVA, Maria et SCHERF, Guilhem ( red. ); - FRANZ XAVER MESSERSCHMIDT 1736 - 1783, Paris, Louvre Editions, 2011.
- Peeters N. - Frans Francken de Oude Leven en werken van een Antwerps historieschilder, (ca. 1542-1616) Kon. Academie Brussel, Nieuwe reeks, 26, 2013.
- Xavier Canonne - Albert comme Baronian Ludion 2022, 2022. 1.
- Hans Bol, Georges Charlier, Pieter Uyttenhove - De Afgelegde Weg. De negentiende-eeuwse gordel van Antwerpen 1993-2023 Salto Ulbeek en Recto Verso, 2023.
- Peter Van Nuffelen, Lieve Van Hoof - Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris. An Inventory of Late Antique Historiography (A.D. 300-800) Brepols, 2020.
- Lucia Carbone - Hidden Power: Late Cistophoric Production and the Creation of Provincia Asia Brepols, 2020.
- Dorotei Getov - A Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts in the National Library "Sts. Cyril and Methodius", Sofia Brepols, 2020.
- Margaret Jones - Davies, Florence Malhomme (eds) - Éloquence et action à la Renaissance Brepols, 2020.
- Peter Coss, Chris Dennis, Melissa Julian-Jones, Angelo Silvestri (eds) - Episcopal Power and Personality in Medieval Europe, 900-1480 Brepols, 2020.
- Lynda Mulvin, Nigel Westbrook (eds) - Late Antique Palatine Architecture. Palaces and Palace Culture: Patterns of Transculturation Brepols, 2020.
- Patrizia Mainoni, Nicola Lorenzo Barile (eds) - Comparing Two Italies. Civic Tradition, Trade Networks, Family Relationships between the Italy of Communes and the Kingdom of Sicily Brepols, 2020.
- Adriana Destro, Mauro Pesce (eds) - From Jesus to Christian Origins. Second Annual Meeting of Bertinoro (1-4 October, 2015) Brepols, 2020.
- Hugh Bernard Feiss O.S.B. (ed) - On the Sacraments. A Selection of Works of Hugh and Richard of St. Victor, and of Peter of Poitiers Brepols, 2020.
- Arnaud Bikard - La Renaissance italienne dans les rues du Ghetto. L'oeuvre poétique yiddish d'Élia Lévita (1469-1549) Brepols, 2020.
- Marcello Angheben (ed) - Les stratégies de la narration dans la peinture médiévale. La représentation de l'Ancien Testament aux IVe-XIIe siècles Brepols, 2020.
- Pauline Prévost-marcilhacy - Les Les Rothschild, Bâtisseurs et Mécènes Flammarion,, 1995.
- WILSSENS, Marie-Anne en LAMPO, Jan; - 365 DAGEN ANTWERPEN/ 365 DAYS ANTWERP, Antwerpen, Lannoo/ Stadsarchief, 2008.
- Walter Swennen - Walter Swennen: Pif Collection Memento. Lettre Volee La Kanal 20, 2004.
- Wouk, Edward H - Frans Floris Imagining a Northern Renaissance. Brill, 2018.
- Marc Heiremans - Amphora. Rogier Vandeweghe Ceramics 1957-1975 Arnoldsche Art Publishers, 2019.
- Paul Verhaeghe / Gautier Deblonde - Ron Mueck Catalogus expo Voorlinden. Wassenaar, Voorlinden, 2024.
- Frank Becuwe - Schilder van de Zee: Louis Artan, Een culturele biografie (1837-1890) Stichting Kunstboek, 2024.
- Martina Korytiaková - The Concept of Space in the Book of Judith. A Contribution to the Narrative Analysis of Old Testament Texts Brepols, 2024.
- Despina Chatzivasiliou (ed) - La La frontière absente. Études réunies en l'honneur de François de Polignac Brepols - Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, 2024.
- Pascal Payen (auth) Corinne Bonnet, Clément Bur, Adeline Grand-Clément, Thibaud Lanfranchi, Sarah Rey, Noémie Villacèque (eds) - L'Antiquité et ses réceptions. Un nouvel objet d'histoire Brepols, 2024.
- Ugo Eteriano, Pietro Podolak (ed) - Lettere. Il Dio santo e immortale Brepols, 2024.
- Hugues de Saint-Victor, Patrice Sicard (ed) - Oeuvres, 3. De archa Noe. Libellus de formatione arche Brepols, 2024.
- Aleksander Panjek (ed) - Integrated Peasant Economy in Central and Eastern Europe. A Comparative Approach Brepols, 2024.
- Godefroid de Saint-Victor - Oeuvres, 1. Microcosmus Brepols, 2020.
- Oisín Plumb, Alexandra Sanmark, Donna Heddle (eds) - What is North? Imagining the North from Ancient Times to the Present Day Brepols, 2020.
- Rosalind Brown-Grant - Visualizing Justice in Burgundian Prose Romance. Text and Image in Manuscripts of the Wavrin Master (1450s-1460s) Brepols, 2020.