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- BUYCK, Jean F. - GUSTAF WAPPERS EN ZIJN SCHOOL. Antwerpen, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten/ Ministerie van Nederlandse Cultuur, 1976.
- Koen Vidal, Vanfleteren Stephan, - Futur Simple. Kinderen van Congo BE, Meulenhoff / Manteau, 2010.
- VERVLIET, H.D.L.; - LIBER LIBRORUM. 5000 JAAR BOEKKUNST, Brussel, Arcade, 1973.
- Wingen, Ed. - De A van Cobra in woord en beeld. Amsterdam, Jaski Art Gallery, 1999.
- Forestier, Sylvie - Marc Chagall. De gebrandschilderde ramen. H.J.W. Becht / J.H. Gottmer, 1987.
- Deanna Farneti Cera - Fashion Jewellery Made in Italy. ACC Art Books., 2013.
- Veerle Windels / Eve Demoen / Femke Vandenbosch - Marleen Daniëls - Sarajevo to Paris FASHION! Antwerp, Stockmans, 2021.
- Livia de Bethune, Sofie De Caigny, Maarten Desmet, Hülya Ertas, Marleen Goethals, Petrus Kemme, Marc Martens, Mark Pimlott, Martino Tattara en Kiki Verbeeck Met beeldessays van Sepideh Farvardin en Miles Fischler - ARCHITECTUURBOEK VLAANDEREN N°15, Allianties met de realiteit. 2022. VAI : VLAAMS ARCHITECTUUR INSTITUUT, 2022.
- Johan De Smet - Emile Claus, Prins van het luminisme. Hannibal Books, 2025.
- LEEUW, Aart van der. - De opdracht Rotterdam, Nijgh & Van Ditmar, 1930. eerste druk.
- Thierry De Cordier - Les Fragments d'Héraclite (108/300) Köln, Salon Verlag, 2015.
- Hamel, Sonja van - Groeten van het rode autootje - een reis in ansichtkaarten Harmonie, Uitgeverij De, 2017.
- Caroline Voet & Hans W. van der Laan - A House to Live With. 16 Variations by Dom Hans van der Laan and His Companions Zurich, Park Books (ACC), 2025.
- settis, la regina, agosti, farinella - La Colonna Traiana Turin, Einaudi, 1988.
- Pierre Mandonnet, George Corbett (ed), Patricia Kelly (ed) - Dante the Theologian Brepols, 2025.
- Marcin Maciejewski, János Gábor Tarbay, Kamil Nowak (eds) - Hoards from the European Bronze and Iron Ages. Current Research and New Perspectives Brepols, 2025.
- Bartosz Kontny, Malgorzata Mileszczyk, Magdalena Nowakowska (eds) - Archaeology: Just Add Water. Volume III Brepols, 2025.
- Arkadiusz Dymowski, Kyrylo Myzgin (eds) - Counterfeits, Imitations, and Copies of Roman Imperial Denarii. Making and Faking Coins on Both Sides of the Limes Brepols, 2025.
- Bartosz Kontny - The West Balt Circle Riders. Spurs and their Role in the Bogaczewo and Sudovian Cultures Brepols, 2025.
- Matti Peikola, Jukka Tyrkkö, Mari-Liisa Varila (eds) - Graphic Practices and Literacies in the History of English Brepols, 2025.
- Antoni Grabowski - The Craft of History. Turning History into a Discipline in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries Brepols, 2025.
- Marcin Przybyla, Karol Dziegielewski (eds) - Inheritance, Social Networks, Adaptation. Bronze and Early Iron Age Societies North of the Western Carpathians Brepols, 2025.
- Gabriele Flamigni - Sur la route du devoir. Le kath kon dans la pensée des stoïciens romains Brepols, 2025.
- Susanna Towers - Manichaeism: Encounters with Death. Studies in the Parabolic, Material and Spiritual Body Brepols, 2025.
- Alfred Osborne - The Origins of Christianity in the Calendar Wars of the Second Century BCE Brepols, 2025.
- Kostas Tampakis, Ronald L. Numbers (eds) - Orthodox Christianity and the Study of Nature. Histories of Interaction Brepols, 2025.
- Leonardo Ariel Carrió Cataldi - Temps, sciences et empire. Cosmographie et navigation dans les monarchies ibériques au XVIe siècle Brepols, 2025.
- Dominique Poirel (ed) - L'amour au Moyen Âge. Est-il un, est-il pluriel ? Brepols, 2025.
- Diane Cuny, Arnaud Perrot (eds) - Suites d'Homère de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance Brepols, 2025.
- Iulianus Toletanus, José Carracedo-Fraga (ed) - Opera III: Ars grammatica Brepols, 2025.
- Vittorio Berti, Emanuela Colombi, Carla Noce (eds) - Translation Dynamics in Early Christian Literature Brepols, 2025.
- Heike Möller, Stephen Merkel - Ceramic Finds in Context (Roman to Early Islamic Times). Final Publications from the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project VII Brepols, 2025.
- Claire de Cazanove Hannecart - Du chartrier au codex. La première cartularisation (IXe- début Xe siècle) Brepols, 2025.
- Concilia, Alberto Melloni (ed), Gianmarco Braghi (ed) - Synods of the Churches of and after the Reformation. Ecclesia semper reformanda (17th-19th Centuries) Brepols, 2025.
- Ionut Epurescu-Pascovici (ed) - Accountability in Late Medieval Europe. Households, Communities, and Institutions Brepols, 2025.
- Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky (ed) - Representations of Saint Anne and the Virgin Mary from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period. Exploring Iconographic Flexibility and Permeability Brepols, 2025.
- Paschasius Radbertus, Mark G. Vaillancourt (ed) - 'On the Virgin Birth' and 'On the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary' Brepols, 2025.
- Conradus de Strazburg, Iohannes de Sacrobosco, Petrus Cunestabulus, Petrus de Bernia, Radulphus de Longo Campo, Willelmus computista, auctores ignoti , Alfred Lohr (ed) - Opera de computo a tempore post Gerlandum usque ad Iohannem de Sacrobosco Brepols, 2025.
- Bozena Czwojdrak (ed) - Courtiers and Court Life in Poland, 1386-1795 Brepols, 2025.