35 books found
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Andreas Pangerl (ed.)
Portraits : 500 years of Roman coin portraits = 500 Jahre römische Münzbildnisse
Staatliche Münzsammlung München, 2017. Hardcover, ix, 474 pages : colour illustrations ; 30 cm. Introduction and foreword in German and English; essays in German with abstracts in English, and one essay in English. ISBN: 9783922840404
Introduction and foreword in German and English; essays in German with abstracts in English,
Booknumber: 57428 | Price: EUR 125.00
Andrew Meadows, Ute Wartenberg (eds)
Presbeus: Studies in Ancient Coinage Presented to Richard Ashton
Brepols, 2022. Hardback, xii + 544 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:300 b/w, 47 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN: 9780897223768
Summary Edited by Andrew Meadows and Ute Wartenberg, this Festschrift is presented to numismatic scholar Richard Ashton on the occasion of his 75th birthday. These 20 articles present new research into the numismatics of the Greek East and provide significant advances in archaeological, historical, and numismatic scholarship. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Christopher S. Lightfoot. Was there a Core-Formed Glass Industry in Archaic Rhodes? 2. Wolfgang R. Fischer-Bossert. The Electrum Coinage of Lindos Again 3. Alain Bresson. Palmette Coins: An Update 4. Jonathan Kagan. Return to Xanthos: New Numismatic Light on the Harpagid Dynasty of Western Lycia 5. Ute Wartenberg. A Persian Queen on the Black Sea: The Coinages of Amastris and Herakleia 6. Philip Kinns. Understanding the Later Civic Coinage of Miletus 7. Koray Konuk. MY Stands for Mylasa 8. Andrew Meadows. The Double-Axe Mint: The Coinage of Tenedos in the Third and Second Centuries BC 9. Amelia Dowler. The New Mint under Nicomedes I (c. 278-255 BC 10. Kerstin Höghammar. The Koan Series of Posthumous Alexander Tetradrachms, c. 200 BC 11. Vassiliki E. Stefanaki. Les 'plinthophores' de Cos: état de la question 12. Peter Thonemann. Cistophoric Geography Revisited 13. Aneurin Ellis-Evans. The Wreathed Tetradrachms and Gold Staters of Magnesia on the Maeander 14. Nicholas Sekunda. The Cretan and Pisidian Keraitai 15. Lucia Carbone. The Standardization of Asian Bronze Denominations in the First Century BC 16. Fabrice Delrieux. Fleuves et riviéres de l'Asie Mineure gréco-romaine. Généralités et tudes de cas dans les monnayages de Carie 17. Laurent Bricault. Images civiques de Mithra 18. Andrew Burnett. The Severan Coinage of Galatia 19. Elena Korka, Constantine Lagos, and Maria Syrrou. An Early Byzantine Gold Hoard from Tenea, Corinthia 20. François de Callataÿ. Correspondence about the Coin Market in Constantinople and Smyrna Prior to 1800 Indexes
Booknumber: 64563 | Price: EUR 115.00
Arkadiusz Dymowski, Kyrylo Myzgin (eds)
Counterfeits, Imitations, and Copies of Roman Imperial Denarii. Making and Faking Coins on Both Sides of the Limes
Brepols, 2025. Hardback, 220 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:20 b/w, 75 col., 13 tables b/w., 4 maps b/w, 6 maps color, Language: English. *new ISBN: 9782503612447
Summary Roman Imperial denarii from the first-third centuries AD are, almost without exception, the most common ancient coinage to be found in Central, Northern, and Eastern Europe beyond the Roman limes. Perhaps surprisingly, however, a significant percentage of these coins are in fact counterfeit, comprised largely of denarii subaerati (plated denarii, fourrées) and denarii flati (base-metal cast copies). Moreover, these fake coins were not only manufactured by Romans themselves, but also by barbarian peoples in Eastern Europe, far from the Roman limes, in what should be considered a mass-scale phenomena. This volume draws together archaeological, numismatic, and historical research in order to offer a new assessment of the production and use of counterfeit Roman Imperial denarii both within the European provinces of the Roman Empire and in European Barbaricum. Drawing on the results of the research project Barbarian Fakers. Manufacturing and Use of Counterfeit Roman Imperial Denarii in East-Central Europe in Antiquity, from the University of Warsaw, the papers gathered here explore the transfer of ideas, technology, and finished products that led to the transfer of counterfeit coinage across the Empire, and shed light on how, why, and when such coins were created and used. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations List of Abbreviations Introduction Arkadiusz Dymowski and Kyrylo Myzgin 1. Counterfeit Coin Moulds from Britannia Inferior: A Summary and Brief Discussion Richard Brickstock 2. The Production of Struck and Cast Denarii in Châteaubleau (France) during the Second Half of the Third Century AD Fabien Pilon 3. Counterfeit Denarii North of Hadrian's Wall: Roman or 'Barbarian'? Fraser Hunter 4. Non-official Roman Denarii in Thuringia: The Finds from the Germanic Settlement of Frienstedt Mario Schlapke 5. The ONAV Group of Barbarian Imitations and Copies of Roman Imperial Coins: Manufacturing of denarii subaerati in Eastern Europe in Antiquity Arkadiusz Dymowski 6. Finds of Counterfeit Roman Denarii at Selected Roman Period Settlement Sites in Western Lesser Poland: The State of Research and Prospects Jaros?aw Bodzek, Szymon Jellonek, and Barbara Zaj?c 7. Cast Copies of Roman Imperial Denarii from Belarus Vital' Sidarovich 8. Technological Variety of Methods Used in the Production of Cast Copies of Roman Denarii on the Territory of the Chernyakhiv Culture between the Middle Dniester and Southern Bug Oleksandr Nadvirniak and Oleh Pohorilets 9. Elemental Composition of Cast Copies of Denarii and Related Production Waste from Ukraine Determined Using PIXE and XRF Methods Oleksandr Buhay, Kyrylo Myzgin, Oleksandr Nadvirniak, and Oleh Pohorilets 10. Denarii flati Kyrylo Myzgin 11. Cast Counterfeit Coins or pecunia flata? Ancient Latin Sources and the Term denarii flati Bartosz Awianowicz
Booknumber: 66488 | Price: EUR 80.00
Graz, Volksbank Ransbach, 1967. Gebunden in leinnen, 21,5x25cm, 128pp.
Eine Dokumentation uber Geldwesen und Wahrung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.Mit fotodokumentation: Volksbanken der Bundersrepublik Deutschland.
Booknumber: 1603 | Price: EUR 15.00
Catharine C. Lorber
Coins of the Ptolemaic Empire, Part I: Ptolemy I through Ptolemy IV. Volume 1: Precious Metal, Volume 2: Bronze
Brepols, 2024. Hardback, 2 vols, xxxiv + 836 pages, Size:210 x 297 mm, Illustrations:37 b/w, 122 plates, Language: English. ISBN: 9780897223980
Summary Coins of the Ptolemaic Empire, Part 1, Volumes 1 and 2 (Precious Metal and Bronze) by Catharine Lorber, is the massive, long-anticipated catalogue of coins struck by the first four Ptolemaic kings. It essentially rewrites the sections on these rulers in J. N. Svoronos' classic, but now much out of date,?Ta Nomismata tou Kratous ton Ptolemaion?(1904). The body of coinage catalogued by Svoronos is enlarged by more than 300 further emissions in precious metal and more than 180 emissions in bronze, recorded from subsequent scholarship, from hoards, from commercial sources, and from private collections, and constituting about a third of the total catalogue entries. Lorber's attributions, dates, and interpretations rest on numismatic research since Svoronos, or on the latest archaeological and hoard information. She also provides extensive historical and numismatic introductions that give the coins deeper context and meaning. The coinage of Ptolemies I through IV is supplemented by a few issues possibly attributable to Cleomenes of Naucratis, the predecessor of Ptolemy I in Egypt, as well as by coinages of Ptolemy Ceraunus, Magas, and Ptolemy of Telmessus, members of the Lagid dynasty ruling their own kingdoms outside of Egypt. TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 1: Precious Metal Preface Acknowledgements Guide for Users Maps Introduction Ptolemy I Soter Ptolemy II Philadelphus Ptolemy III Euergetes Ptolemy IV Philopator Precious Metal Catalogue Cleomenes of Naucratis Ptolemy I Soter Ptolemy II Philadelphus Ptolemy III Euergetes Ptolemy IV Philopator Third-Century Provincial(?) Tetradrachms Unattributable as to Reign (Ptolemy I-IV) Late Additions to the Catalogues Appendices Ptolemaic Precious Metal Hoards Additional Provenances of Precious Metal Coins Bibliography Concordance to Svoronos Indices Remarkable Types in Gold and Silver Remarkable Denominations in Gold and Silver Remarkable Inscriptions on Gold and Silver Controls on Precious Metal Coins Image Credits Plates Volume 2: Bronze Preface Acknowledgements Guide for Users Bronze Catalogue Cleomenes of Naucratis Ptolemy I Soter Macedonia under Ceraunus and Meleager Ptolemy II Philadelphus Ptolemy of Telmessus Ptolemy III Euergetes Ptolemy IV Philopator Appendices 1. Ptolemaic Bronze Hoards 2. Additional Bronze Provenances Bibliography Concordance to Svoronos Numbers Indices 1. Remarkable Types in Bronze 2. Remarkable Inscriptions 3. Controls Image Credits Plates
Booknumber: 63512 | Price: EUR 335.00
CLAIN-STEFANELLI, Elvira und Vladimir/ SCHON, Gunter;
Munchen, Battenberg Verlag, 1976. Gebunden, Leinen mit Schutzumschlag, 210 x 255mm., 308S., 1000 ein- und mehrfarbigen Abbildungen.
Fachkundig geschrieben und prachtvoll ausgestattet, dient dieses Werk dem angehenden wie dem fortgeschrittenen Sammler gleichermaBen. Guter Zustand
Booknumber: 20878 | Price: EUR 25.00
David Hendin
Guide to Biblical Coins
Brepols, 2021. Hardback, xx + 643 pages, Size:152 x 229 mm, Illustrations:500 b/w, 5 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN: 9780897227414
Summary Forty-five years after its first edition, Hendin has revised and updated this book to reflect relevant discoveries in archaeology and numismatics of ancient Israel. The metallurgy of Judean coins, symbols on Hasmonean coins, the Hasmonean coin chronology, Herodian mints, irregular issues, the Jewish War, and coin denominations are only a few of the topics that Hendin has updated. New to the sixth edition is numismatic information about the Kingdom of Adiabene, the Ituraean Kingdom, the Roman Governors of Syria, and coins with images of Old Testament stories. Many hundreds of new and improved graphics help illuminate the text. The photo plates have been expanded dramatically as have the images in the catalog and text. Includes a complete concordance between previous editions of GBC as well as other key references, elaborate end notes, an expanded bibliography, a full index, and an index of Latin inscriptions on the Judaea Capta coins. LEARN MORE "A Half a Century of Studying Biblical Coins", by David Hendin,?The Ancient Near East Today?9.11 (The American Society of Overseas Research) "A Conversation with David Hendin", the?Planchet?podcast of the American Numismatic Society Winner of the 2022 Shekel Prize TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CHAPTER ONE: Biblical Coins CHAPTER TWO: Scale Weights to Coinage CHAPTER THREE: Persian Period: Philistia CHAPTER FOUR: Persian Period: Samaria and Judea CHAPTER FIVE: Ptolemaic and Seleucid Coins CHAPTER SIX: Hasmonean Dynasty CHAPTER SEVEN: Herodian Dynasty CHAPTER EIGHT: The Roman Governors of Judaea CHAPTER NINE: The Jewish War CHAPTER TEN: Bar Kokhba Revolt CHAPTER ELEVEN: Judaea and Rome CHAPTER TWELVE: New Testament Coins CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Related Issues ENDNOTES ABBREVIATIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY CONCORDANCE APPENDIX A. Alphabets and Numeric Equivalents APPENDIX B. Metrological Chart for Jewish Bronze Coins APPENDIX C. Index of Latin Legends INDEX PLATES ABOUT THE AUTHOR
Booknumber: 65500 | Price: EUR 92.00
Amsterdam, Mevius, 1975. Bound, green imitation leather, illustrated dustjacket, 210 x 300mm., 332pp., illustrated.
Taler struck within the boundaries of present-day Germany. Jacket a bit worn, otherwise in good condition.
Booknumber: 20870 | Price: EUR 19.95
Elena S Stolyarik, John M. Kleeberg
Scythians and Greeks on the Western Black Sea. The Coinage of the Kings of Scythia Minor in Dobruja, 218/212-110 BCE
Brepols, 2023. Hardback, viii + 228 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:201 b/w, 17 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN: 9780897224062
Summary The Scythians have fascinated investigators since the time of Herodotus. This study examines the bronze and silver coinage of the kingdom of Scythia Minor in Dobruja at the mouth of the Danube River, a Scythian successor state that emerged in the second century BCE after the breakup of Scythia Magna. It is based on a corpus of over 1,500 coins, more than ever before, and draws upon scholarship in nine languages, including hard-to-find sources from Bulgaria, Romania, USSR, Ukraine, and Russia. The much-debated chronology of the six kings of Scythia Minor (Kanites, Tanousas, Charaspes, Ailis, Sariakes, and Akrosas) is determined through literary evidence, inscriptions, die linkage, shared monograms, coin hoards, and counterstamps. Metrological analysis distinguishes four denominations, plus the alterations and debasements of the weight standard during the troubled reigns of Ailis and Sariakes. Fifteen counterstamps that appear on Scythian coins are attributed to the local Greek poleis of Callatis, Tomis, Istros, and Dionysopolis. An inventory of four hoards and 47 findspots of single coins identifies the mint site, Dionysopolis. The volume concludes with a catalog of 63 major coin types and 15 counterstamps, plus bibliography and index. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Introduction Scythia Magna and Dobruja Literary and Epigraphic Sources for the Kingdom of Scythia Minor in Dobruja Earlier Studies of the Coins of Scythia Minor Ethnic Identification and Chronology of the Kings of Scythia Minor Coin Types, Legends, and Magistrates' Monograms Metrology, Weight Standard, Denominations, and Die Orientation Countermarks on Scythian Coins The Geographic Pattern of the Circulation of Scythian Coins The Mint Location: Dionysopolis Conclusion Catalog of Coins and Countermarks Appendix: List of Magistrates' Monograms and Mintmarks Abbreviations Ancient Sources Inscriptions Papyri Auction Catalogs and Electronic Sales Bibliography Index
Booknumber: 63356 | Price: EUR 151.00
François de Callataÿ (ed)
Numismatic Antiquarianism through Correspondence (16th-18th c.). In the Margin of the Project Fontes Inediti Numismaticae Antiquae (FINA)
Brepols, 2023. Hardback, x + 270 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:108 b/w, 12 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN: 9780897223911
Summary This book brings together 14 articles into a volume of conference proceedings from the 2017 meeting on numismatic antiquarianism held in Rome. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword François de Callataÿ About the Authors 1. Fool Me Once, Don't Fool Me Twice: Collecting Forgeries to Train the Eye (17th-early 19th Centuries) Daniela Williams. 2. Moulages de monnaies antiques ou comment produire des copies (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) Guy Meyer 3. The Missing Caesar: Inventing Bronze Coins for Otho Johan van Heesch 4. Speaking about Manuscripts: Unpublished Works in Correspondence Michiel Verweij 5. Recording Coin Finds and Hoards in Early Modern England Ute Wartenberg and Jonathan H. Kagan 6. Two Centuries of Collecting, Describing, and Explaining Contorniates John Cunnally 7. Di vizi e di virtù. Di Pertinaci e di Didii, di Pescenniie di Gordiani Federica Missere Fontana 8. Numismatic Antiquarianism: Coins from the Ancient East in Early Modern Europe Martin Mulsow 9. Queen Elizabeth and the Twelve Caesars Andrew M. Burnett 10. Peiresc and the Coins through his Correspondence Elena Vaiani 11. About Books and Coins: The Letters of Charles Patin to Giulio Antonio Arevoldi between 1679 and 1693 Marco Callegari 12. The Story of Francesco Gottifredi's Unpublished Book through the Analysis of the Letters of his Contemporaries Maria Cristina Molinari 13. Monastic Antiquarianism in Austria and the République de Médailles: The Numismatic Collection of Göttweig Abbey Manuela Mayer 14. Publishing the Doctrina Numorum Veterum: New Evidence on the Three Editions of Joseph Eckhel's Masterwork Bernhard E. Woytek
Booknumber: 64346 | Price: EUR 150.00
Leeuwarden, Hugo Suringar, 1983. ( dub.). GEBONDEN, kunstleder, 21x15cm, 264pp, geillustreerd z/w.
Booknumber: 13125 | Price: EUR 40.00
Hugo Vanhoudt / John Saunders
BE -, Vanhoudt, 2024. hardcover. 440 pages (29,7 x 21.0 cm), Fully illustrated in colour! FINE!. ISBN: 9781735659817
This book gives a complete overview of all the gold coins and special issues in gold produced on the territory of present-day Belgium, Luxembourg and The Netherlands and Overseas territories, from the Celts to 2022.A description on 2000 illustrated gold coin types, including special issues as pa?erns and off-metal strikes, with details of their obverse, reverse, edge, weight, fineness and rarity, and prices per date for different grades.
Booknumber: 63616 | Price: EUR 125.00
Ian Carradice
Greek Coins
Trustees of the British Museum 1995, 1995. 1. Paperback, 112 pages, ENG, 240 x 170 mm, fine book, illustrations in b/w, . ISBN: 9780714122106
Of the many traditions we have inherited from the ancient Greeks, the use of coins should rank as one of the most important. From its first appearance in the region of Lydia (western Turkey) in the late-17th century BC, coinage gradually spread throughout the Greek world, and the history of the ancient Greeks is reflected in its evolution. Designs on Greek coins include the badges of city-states, portraits of rulers, images of Greek gods, scenes from myths and objects of daily life, and are often works of art in themselves. The dies, carved by craftsmen, sometimes bear the name or initials of the mint official responsible for their issue, and the coins might have circulated in trade, been used as gifts or dedications, or hoarded as valuables.
Booknumber: 58611 | Price: EUR 22.50
Jennes, M.
Enkele zegels van het Brabantse munterskorps.
Bruxelles, 1977. Gebroch., 7pp., 16x24.5cm., goede staat.
Booknumber: 32321 | Price: EUR 8.00
Katerina Panagopoulou
The Early Antigonids: Coinage, Money, and the Economy
Brepols, 2020. Hardback, xlv + 390 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:63 b/w, 31 col., Language: English. ISBN: 9780897223553
Summary This systematic analysis of the gold and silver coinages of "King Antigonos" is intended to explore the nature of the Antigonid cash economy during the second and the third quarter of the third century BC. The author's principal aim in reconstructing the precious metal coinage of "King Antigonos" is to comprehend the way in which the mints concerned functioned and to identify the major issues of the period. This helps us to answer questions such as, whether or not production was continuous; on which occasions/for which purposes the mints operated; where and why the coins produced circulated and what their value at the time was; finally, whether these issues outlasted their initiator, Antigonos Gonatas. The macroeconomic profile of Antigonid Makedonia during this period is completed by an attempt to quantify and to contextualize these Antigonid silver issues. Explanations other than military for the production of this coinage are explored and the chronology and the role of those silver coins issued posthumously in the name of Alexander that are currently assigned to the early reign of Gonatas are reconsidered. Finally, the geographical distribution of these Antigonid issues is reassessed. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2.0-5.0 Catalogue and Commentary: Gold and Silver Issues "of king Antigonos" 2. Period I: The Chremonidean War and the Battle off Kos (274/1-260/255 BC), "Plain Style" 3. Period II: From the Revolt of Alexander, Tyrant of Korinth, to the Battle of Andros (252/1-246 BC), "Dramatic Style" 4. Period III: From the Battle of Andros to the Death of Demetrios II 246/5-229 BC), "Portrait Style" 5. Period IV: Antigonos Doson (229-221/0 BC), "Expressive Style" 6. Numismatic Evidence: General Considerations 7. Coinage, Money and the Economy 8. Concluding Remarks 9. Appendices 10. Bibliography Plates
Booknumber: 65546 | Price: EUR 155.00
Wealth of the Roman World. : Gold and Silver AD 300-700
Trustees of the British Museum, London, 1977, 1977. 1. Softcover, 190 pages, ENG, 245 x 190 mm, in good order, bit discoloured through the age of time, dozens of illustrations of artifacts, coins, jewellery, . ISBN: 0714100617
Booknumber: 58647 | Price: EUR 14.00
Kirk Bennett
The The Tiflis Dirhams of Möngke Khan
Brepols, 2020. Hardback, vi + 182 pages, Size:152 x 229 mm, Illustrations:219 b/w, 3 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN: 9780897223652
Summary The dirhams of Möngke Kh?n represent the first major emission of silver coinage in Georgia following the Mongol conquest roughly a generation previously. Struck in the Georgian capital city of Tiflis (modern Tbilisi) from the middle of AH 652 to perhaps as late as the first month of AH 660 (AD 1254-1261), these coins circulated widely throughout the South Caucasus and adjacent areas. This coin type was the first in Georgia to provide a date formula with both the month and year of the Islamic calendar. The placement of the date formula in the four marginal segments of the reverse of the coin means that parts of it are often struck off the flan or effaced on individual specimens. The problem is compounded by poor Arabic calligraphy on many coins, leading to much confusion in the literature about the extant dates. However, using secondary design features such as the varying central obverse and reverse decorative elements, this book creates a systematic framework for dating these dirhams, identifying previously unpublished dates and varieties in the process. The first in-depth monograph on this popular and historically important coin series, this book will be a valuable resource for both scholars and collectors interested in Georgian, Mongol, and Islamic numismatics. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Identification Guide Bibliography
Booknumber: 65881 | Price: EUR 77.00
Lippens, Van Keymeulen
Brussel, Koninklijke bibliotheek Albert I, 1980. ( dub). softcover, geillustreerde uitgeversomslag, 25,5x18,5cm, 247pp. + 70pp, geillustreerd z/w;
Booknumber: 1977 | Price: EUR 15.00
Luc Vandamme.
De numismatische collectie van prins Karel.
Alken, bij de auteur, 2007. Hardcover, 211pp., 16.5x23.5cm., ills. in z/w., nieuwstaat.
De medailles van Prins Karel, graaf van Vlaanderen
Booknumber: 39938 | Price: EUR 20.00
Lucia Carbone
Hidden Power: Late Cistophoric Production and the Creation of Provincia Asia
Brepols, 2020. Hardback, vii + 266 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:226 b/w, 32 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN: 9780897223638
Summary Using the production and circulation patterns of the Asian cistophorus as a case study, Hidden Power seeks to develop a better understanding of Roman monetary policy in the province of Asia between its establishment in the 120s BC and the beginning of the Mithraditic Wars. Hidden Power catalogues and illustrates some 1,737 cistophoric tetradrachms and fractions from the mints of Ephesus, Pergamum, Tralles, Laodicea, Apamea, Adramyteum, Nysa, and Smyrna. Most of the coins included in the study are late cistophori, issues between 134.3 BC and the 60s BC. Appendix I provides a discussion of the late cistophori of Tralles struck after 89 BC, showing not only the direct correlation between cistophori and Roman military campaigns, but also Roman taxation. In Appendix II, circulation data have been combined with data derived from the Tralles die study in order to calculate cistophoric production for the entirety of provincia Asia until the end of the late cistophori. This estimate provides a means to assess the financial impact of Roman taxation and exploitation by Roman imperatores over the course of the first half of the first century BC. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1: The 2002 Hoard (90/89 BC): An Overview Chapter 2: Cistophoric Production at Pergamum Chapter 3: Cistophoric Production at Ephesus Chapter 4: Cistophoric Production at Tralles Chapter 5: Cistophoric Production at Laodicea Chapter 6: Cistophoric Production at Apamea Chapter 7: Cistophoric Production at Adramyteum Chapter 8: Cistophoric Production at Nysa Chapter 9: Cistophoric Production at Smyrna Chapter 10: Conclusions Appendix I: Late Cistophoric Production at Tralles after 89 BC Appendix II: Cistophoric Production and the Impact of Roman Taxation (105-ca. 58 BC) Conclusions Bibliography Indices Plates
Booknumber: 65771 | Price: EUR 102.00
Lucia F. Carbone
Local Coinages in a Roman World (Second Century BC?First Century AD). A Catalogue of the Richard B. Witschonke Collection of Coins in the Early Roman Provinces
Brepols, 2024. Hardback, 2 vols, xvi + 560 pages, Size:210 x 297 mm, Illustrations:7452 b/w, 1 col., 3 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN: 9780897224017
Summary The Richard B. Witschonke Collection of more than 3,700 coins, now in the collection of the American Numismatic Society, provides the historical and numismatic prologue to the study of Roman provincial coinage. Most of the specimens are of great historical and numismatic value, as explained in the historical introductions preceding each of the 36 sections of this catalogue. This collection offers a unique overview of the diverse ways in which the monetary systems of the Mediterranean basin responded to the Roman conquest in the second and early first centuries BCE and to the related necessity of interconnectivity. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword by Gilles Bransbourg Preface Introduction 1. Spain Introduction Catalogue 2. Spanish Imitations of Roman Republican Coinage Introduction Catalogue 3. Gaul Introduction Catalogue 4. Roman Republican Coinage Introduction (Liv M. Yarrow) Catalogue 5. Italian Imitations of Roman Republican Coinage Introduction Catalogue 6. Non-State Coinages of Central Italy Introduction (Clive Stannard) Catalogue (Clive Stannard and Lucia F. Carbone) 7. Italy Introduction (Federico Carbone) Catalogue 8. Sardinia Introduction Catalogue 9. Sicily and Adjacent Islands Introduction (Suzanne Frey-Kupper) Catalogue (Suzanne Frey-Kupper and Lucia F. Carbone) 10. Geto-Dacian Imitations of Roman Republican Coinage Introduction Catalogue 11. Eraviscan Imitations of Roman Republican Coinage Introduction Catalogue 12. Africa Introduction Catalogue 13. Crete and Cyrenaica Introduction (Federico Carbone) Catalogue 14. Achaea Introduction Catalogue 15. "Fleet Coinage" Introduction Catalogue 16. Macedonia Introduction (Sophia Kremydi) Catalogue (Sophia Kremydi and Lucia F. Carbone) 17. Thrace and Moesia Introduction Catalogue 18. Bosporus Introduction (Oliver D. Hoover) Catalogue 19. Paphlagonia Introduction (Oliver D. Hoover) Catalogue 20. Bithynia Introduction (Oliver D. Hoover) Catalogue (Oliver D. Hoover and Lucia F. Carbone) 21. Pontus Introduction Catalogue 22. Asia Introduction Catalogue 23. "Cistophoric" Countermarks Introduction Catalogue 24. Early Cistophori Introduction Catalogue 25. Aristonicus' Cistophori Introduction Catalogue 26. Late Cistophori Introduction Catalogue 27. Later Republican and Pre-Imperial Cistophori Introduction Catalogue 28. Lycia-Pamphylia Introduction (Oliver D. Hoover) Catalogue 29. Galatia and Pisidia Introduction (Oliver D. Hoover) Catalogue 30. Cappadocia Introduction (Oliver D. Hoover) Catalogue (Oliver D. Hoover and Lucia F. Carbone) 31. Cyprus Introduction (Oliver D. Hoover) Catalogue (Oliver D. Hoover and Lucia F. Carbone) 32. Cilicia Introduction (Oliver D. Hoover) Catalogue (Oliver D. Hoover and Lucia F. Carbone) 33. Syria Introduction (Oliver D. Hoover) Catalogue (Oliver D. Hoover and Lucia F. Carbone) 34. Coele Syria Introduction (Oliver D. Hoover) Catalogue (Oliver D. Hoover and Lucia F. Carbone) 35. The Decapolis, Idumaea, and Judaea Introduction (Oliver D. Hoover) Catalogue (David Hendin, Oliver D. Hoover and Lucia F. Carbone) 36. Egypt Introduction (Oliver D. Hoover) Catalogue (Oliver D. Hoover and Lucia F. Carbone) Bibliography Indices
Booknumber: 64188 | Price: EUR 327.00
Martin Beckmann
Faustina the Younger. Coinage, Portraits, and Public Image
Brepols, 2022. Hardback, vii + 205 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:96 col., 1 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN: 9780897223669
Summary The Roman empress Faustina the Younger, wife of the emperor Marcus Aurelius and mother to at least eleven imperial children, including the future emperor Commodus, not only played a key role in Roman history of the 2nd century AD but also was the subject of almost unparalleled commemoration in visual media, especially sculpture and coinage, during her lifetime. This book examines the single largest surviving ancient source for the portraiture and public image of Faustina the Younger: the coinage struck in her name under Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. The coinage of Faustina the Younger is rich in original iconography and long in duration but its chronology and the relationships between its various types are unclear at best, unknown at worst. This study seeks to remedy this situation by employing the methodology of die analysis to create a new and firm chronology for Faustina's coinage. The results make it possible to establish an authoritative typology for Faustina's portraiture and to show the precise relationship between the diverse obverse and reverse types. The die analysis also clarifies Faustina's complicated iconographic program, making it possible to compare it directly with the iconography of the better-dated coinage of her male contemporaries. Taken together, these results permit a complete re-evaluation of the coinage, portraits and public image of Faustina the Younger. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. Faustina the Younger: Coinage, Portraits, and Public Image Chapter 1. Material and Methodology Chapter 2. VENVS GENETRIX: Faustina's First Child (Portrait Type 1) Chapter 3. CONCORDIA: The Ideal of the Imperial Marriage (Portrait 35 Types 2-5) Chapter 4. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA (Portrait Types 5-10) Chapter 5. Portraits: Concepts and Processes Chapter 6. A New Typology of Faustina's Portraits Chapter 7. Message and Meaning in the Portraits of Faustina Conclusion. The Public Image of Faustina Appendix 1. Faustina's Children Appendix 2. Relative Proportions of Reverse Types in AV and AR Abbreviations and Bibliography Die Catalogue, Part 1. Aurei of Faustina II under Antoninus Pius Die Catalogue, Part 2. Aurei of Faustina II under Marcus Aurelius Key to the Die Link Charts Die Link Charts List of Die Illustrations Plates Index
Booknumber: 64571 | Price: EUR 72.00
McLellan James E.
Old Regime France and its Jetons: Pointillist History and Numismatics
Brepols, 2020. Hardback, xiii + 268 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:73 b/w, 4 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN: 9780897223621
Summary Non-monetary tokens known as jetons originated as counters used on medieval counting tables. In certain parts of France, the Low Countries, and German lands, they continued as such into the nineteenth century. The historical and numismatic interest in jetons stems more from what else they became, particularly though the end of the eighteenth century under the Bourbon monarchs, as perks of office for office holders in the burgeoning nation state of France, New Year's Day presents exchanged among certain segments of society, and lagniappe handed out for attendance at meetings in town halls, regional estates, and learned societies. Jetons figured in the rites and rituals of the guilds and faculties; they were swag for general meetings of the clergy, and they served as calling cards for noble families. Decoding hidden messages became a parlor game for cognoscenti, and as "petit monuments" some jetons are miniature works of high art produced by the world's most talented artists/engravers at the world's preeminent mint. In this book jetons serve as microdots in a pointillist, longue durée account that paints a grand portrait of early modern and Old Regime France leading up to the French Revolution. Winner of the 2021 Numismatic Literary Guild Award for the best book on medals and tokens TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION: HISTORIANS AND NUMISMATISTS 1. AN HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF EARLY JETONS 2. OLD AND NEW IN THE OLD REGIME 3. GOVERNING BODIES 4. ASSIDUITY AND THE ACADEMIES 5. GUILDS AND YET OTHERS 6. AESTHETICS AND THE SPECIAL ROLE OF THE ACAD.MIE ROYALE DES INSCRIPTIONS ET BELLES-LETTRES 7. THE MONNAIE DES MEDAILLES CONCLUSIONS Glossary List of Figures and Tables Bibliography Index
Booknumber: 65880 | Price: EUR 102.00
1824, Bruxelles, Rampelberhg. Relie de l' epoque, plein maroquin brun, veau marbre, dos endommage, dos orne de fil. fleuronne dore, piece de titre dore sur maroquin rouge, 14x18,5cm, 328pp.
D' apres l' arrete du 8 decembre 1824.
Booknumber: 19876 | Price: EUR 90.00
Bruxelles, Rampelbergh, 1829. Relie de l' epoque, plein maroquin brun, veau marbre, dos endommage, dos orne de fil. fleuronne dore, piece de titre dore sur maroquin rouge, 14x18,5cm, 328pp.
D'apres l' arrete du 8 decembre 1829
Booknumber: 19877 | Price: EUR 90.00
1000 ans de monnaies hongroises. 1000 jaar Hongaarse munten,
Turnhout, Brepols, 1999. Paperback, 210 x 295 mm. ISBN: 9782503509686
Propose une collection exceptionnelle de monnaies en or et argent ainsi que des medailles commemoratives conservees au Musee National Hongrois de Budapest, qui retrace l'histoire millenaire de la Hongrie. On y decouvre les monnaies sous une grande varation de formes: rectangulaire, octogonale, en forme de lune ou encore d'etoile, le livre presente egalement des cartes, des gravures et des photos. Languages : French,Dutch.
Booknumber: 39835 | Price: EUR 27.00
Bruxelles, 1975. Broche, couverture d' editeur, 16x24,5cm, 215pp + 16 planches hors-texte n/b.
Tome CXXI. La 'Pietas' et le sentiment de l' enfance a Rome d' apres les monnaies. Gaucher de Chatillon and the imitation of sterlings in the name of Edward of England. De reisen der antwerpse munster en hun reglement voor de reisen naar Maastricht. Ect.
Booknumber: 2858 | Price: EUR 25.00
Bruxelles, 1978. Broche, couverture d' editeur, 16x24,5cm, 277pp + 8 planches hors-texte n/b.
Tome CXXII. L' essai des monnaies dans l' Antiquite... Le cours du cyzicene au Ive siecle... Le temoignage de Pomponius et la date de creation des Triumviri...
Booknumber: 11033 | Price: EUR 25.00
Bruxelles, 1978. Broche, couverture d' editeur, 16x24,5cm, 291pp + 25 planches hors-texte n/b. ISBN: 07745885
Booknumber: 1797 | Price: EUR 20.00
Paul Callewaert
Penninxckens van Brugghe : De historische waarde van loden penningen
Eigen Beheer, 2024. 1. Hardcover, 333 pagina's NL kleurendruk op glanzend papier, formaat 16,5 x 24 cm. rijkelijk
geïllustreerd met afbeeldingen in kleur. beperkte oplage van 300ex. ISBN: X De loden getuigenis van een ver verleden, de historische waarde en de rol van de loden penningen in het dagelijkse leven van Brugge. Een vernieuwde kijk op de gekende penningen, aangevuld met tal van nieuwe nog niet beschreven Brugse penningen en hun varianten. Meer dan 300 exemplaren die uitvoerig zijn beschreven. Booknumber: 63025 | Price: EUR 59.99
geïllustreerd met afbeeldingen in kleur. beperkte oplage van 300ex. ISBN: X De loden getuigenis van een ver verleden, de historische waarde en de rol van de loden penningen in het dagelijkse leven van Brugge. Een vernieuwde kijk op de gekende penningen, aangevuld met tal van nieuwe nog niet beschreven Brugse penningen en hun varianten. Meer dan 300 exemplaren die uitvoerig zijn beschreven. Booknumber: 63025 | Price: EUR 59.99
Selene E. Psoma
Corcyra. A City at the Edge of Two Greek Worlds
Brepols, 2022. Paperback, 2 vols, 747 pages, Size:170 x 240 mm, Language: English. ISBN: 9789607905970
Summary The current monograph on Corcyrean history has the aim of offering a synthesis on the history of the island from the time of the Liburnian tribe of the Kerkyres, after which the island was named, to the end of the ancient world and the destruction of the temples of the Greek gods by ????????, the local episkopos. For this reason, it takes into consideration all available evidence deriving from Greek and Latin literary sources, epigraphic documents, Corcyrean coinage and archaeological excavations on the island of Corcyra. All aspects of Corcyrean history are discussed: the geography of the island, the relations with Corinth, Athens, the kings of Epirus and, finally, the Romans, its position in the international politics, the numerous staseis, its institutions, the Corcyrean navy, the island's legendary background and religious life, its coinage and numismatic policy. Prosopography, onomastics and name-giving practices are also discussed as well as Corcyrean society. Finally, different readings of some significant events of Greek history involving Corcyra are discussed: Corcyrean power, the Corcyreans at the sea battle of Salamis, Corcyra and the network of Corinthian colonies in the North West, the beginning of the Peloponnesian War and the real causes of this war, Corcyra during the Peloponnesian War, insularity, geographic position and their impact on the history and shaping of identity of the city-island? The first volume analyzes its geographical location, history, economy and monetary policy (chs I-XII), institutions, legendary background, identity and religious life (chs XIII, XIV, XV). The second volume studies Corcyrean prosopography (XVI), onomastics (XVII) and society (XVIII). This volume also contains lists of names, three Appendices, bibliography and different indices, plates depicting coins of Corcyra, and a map of the island.
Booknumber: 64559 | Price: EUR 75.47
Simon Glenn
Money and Power in Hellenistic Bactria
Brepols, 2020. Hardback, xv + 386 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:106 b/w, 75 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN: 9780897223614
Summary The coins produced by the kings of the Graeco-Bactrian kingdom of the third and second centuries BC are the best and, in some cases only, primary source of evidence for the history of the period. The lack of context has, however, often led to highly speculative uses of the numismatic evidence in previous historical reconstructions. Money and Power in Hellenistic Bactria returns the focus to the coins themselves and presents the results of a full die study of the issues of Euthydemus I, Demetrius I, Euthydemus II, Pantaleon, Agathocles, and Antimachus I. In doing so it proposes a new, soundly based history of the Graeco-Bactrian kingdom under these kings based on a thorough understanding and suggested reconstruction of these enigmatic coins. Winner of the 2021 Numismatic Literary Guild Award for Best Book on Ancient Coins (pre-1500). TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1. Methodology Chapter 2. Types, Denominations, and Iconography Chapter 3. Find Evidence Chapter 4. Euthydemus I Chapter 5. Demetrius I Chapter 6. Euthydemus II Chapter 7. Pantaleon and Agathocles Chapter 8. Antimachus I Chapter 9. Monograms Chapter 10. History from Coins? Appendix A. Catalogue Appendix B. Forgeries Bibliography Plates
Booknumber: 65878 | Price: EUR 153.00
Sophia Kremydi, Marie-Christine Marcellesi (eds)
Les Alexandres après Alexandre. Histoire d'une monnaie commune
Brepols, 2019. Paperback, 464 pages, Size:210 x 280 mm, Language: French. ISBN: 9789609538961
Summary This collective volume discusses the coinages with the types of Alexander the Great that were produced by kings, cities and leagues -in parallel with their own local coin issues- for over two centuries after the king's death. The purpose of the book is to elaborate on the role of the 'Alexanders' as a common currency of the Hellenistic world. The topics examined include, among others, the circulation of the 'Alexanders' in specific geographical regions, a discussion of their use through the lens of regional history, the circulation of silver 'Alexanders' throughout the Hellenistic oecumene, the intensive but short-lived production of gold 'Alexanders', the epigraphic evidence for their use, their imitations in the Arabic peninsula, and, more generally, an evaluation of their much disputed role in the economic growth of the Hellenistic world.
Booknumber: 66105 | Price: EUR 56.60
Vredius, Olivarius [de Wree, Olivier]
Sigilla comitum Flandriae et inscriptiones diplomatum ab iis editorum cum expositione historica
Brugis Flandrorum [Brugge], Joannem Baptistam Kerchovium [Kerchove, van den, Jan Baptist] , 1639. Rel. de L'epoque, 12-308-96 pages, .
Edition originale avec 300 sceaux des comtes de Flandre. Rare édition originale du recueil de sceaux des comtes de Flandre d'Olivier de Vrée (1596-1652), volume remarquable tant par sa rigueur antiquaire - l'ouvrage reste une référence incontournable en la matière - que par ses quelque 300 gravures sur cuivre répertoriant minutieusement l'évolution de sceaux depuis l'établissement de la Flandre en tant que pays au IXe siècle
Booknumber: 58098 | Price: EUR 2000.00
Newton Abbot, David & Charles, 1972. Paperback, original illustrated wrappers b/w, 14x21,5cm, 236pp, illustrated b/w.
A medallic History of britain, from Tudor times to present day.
Booknumber: 6447 | Price: EUR 10.00
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