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Goud - Zilver - Brons

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-- Catalogus van Zilverwerken - gemeentemuseum Arnhem Gemeentemuseum Arnhem, 1958. Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 146 pagina's met afbeeldingen z/w. ** met verschillende aantekeningen met pen. Boeknummer: 53166 | Prijs: EUR 10.00 In winkelwagen

-- DRIE EEUWEN SCHOONHOVENS ZILVER. THREE CENTURIES OF SCHOONHOVEN SILVER. DREI JAHRHUNDERTE SILBER VON SCHOONHOVEN. Schoonhoven, Nederlands Goud- Zilver- en Klokkenmuseum, 1981. Originele uitgeversomslag, 23.9x17.5 cm., inleiding in Nederlands, Engels en Duits, pagina's niet genummerd, Nederlandstalige onderschriften bij 288 afbeeldingen in z/w. Tentoonstelling Goud- Zilver en Klokkenmuseum mei - augustus 1981. Exhitibiton Gold- Silver- and Clockmuseum may - august 1981. Ausstellung Gold- Silber- und Uhrenmuseum Mai - August 1981. Boeknummer: 29294 | Prijs: EUR 25.00 In winkelwagen

-- Verney Joailliers - Mariages de diamants - Collection Prestige Scriptar, 1985. Hardcover, 63 pages Illustrations contre-collées. Tirage limité à 2700 exemplaires. Cet exemplaire porte le n°2638. Grand in-4 carré. 31 x 30,2 cm. 1100g. Text in French and English. ISBN: 9782880120535 Un somptueux ouvrage conçu avec la collaboration de J. Walter Thompson pour le Centre d'Information du Diamant et de Beers. / A sumptuous work conceived in collaboration with J. Walter Thompson for the Diamond Information Center and Beers. Boeknummer: 56533 | Prijs: EUR 25.00 In winkelwagen

Abbot Suger Abbot Suger on the Abbey Church of St. Denis and Its Art Treasures Princeton University Press, 21/05/1979. 2 ed.. Hardcover, 285 pages, ENG, 245 x 165 mm, with illustrations in b/w,
except for the spots at the top of the pages (track of time), the book is otherwise in fine condition. ISBN: 0691039364
Boeknummer: 59297 | Prijs: EUR 49.50 In winkelwagen

Adriaensens, Anne-Mie. ZILVER, IJDEL EN KOKET. Antwerpen/Deurne, Provinciaal Museum Sterckshof Zilvercentrum, 1999. Geniet, originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 29.7x21 cm, 45 pp., illustraties in kleur en z/w, bibliografie. ISBN: 9066250178 Boeknummer: 28435 | Prijs: EUR 15.00 In winkelwagen

ALAIN ERLANDE-BRANDENBURG Le chateau d'Ecouen MUSEES NATIONAUX 1988, 1988. Softcover, 109 pages, Texte en Francais, 280 x 210 mm; illustrations, Tres belle exemplaire,. ISBN: 9782711821884 Boeknummer: 55640 | Prijs: EUR 19.95 In winkelwagen

Alba Cappellieri DIVA! ITALIAN GLAMOUR IN FASHION JEWELLERY Silvana Editoriale, 2021. HB, 310 x 240 mm, 264 p, 300 illustraties Eng/ IT edition. ISBN: 9788836648047 Two hundred Italian fashion jewels define the aesthetic mirror of society through the decades, showing the transformation of styles and customs. In Italy, since ancient times, fashion jewellery has been, and still is, an important component of clothing, of which it represents an accessory and a complement. The history of fashion cannot be written without mentioning its jewels. The volume presents two hundred Italian fashion jewels that, spanning from era of La Dolce Vita to the Pret à Porter of the Eighties, from 90s Minimalism to the Neo Baroque of the new millennium, define the aesthetic mirror of society and show the transformation of styles and customs, ambitions and conquests of women, the evolution of shapes and innovations of materials and new technologies. DIVA! Italian Glamor in Fashion Jewellery tells about fashion jewelery in its creative intersections with Italian excellence: craftsmanship, design and fashion. A typically Italian story based on the ability to combine creativity, manufacturing and industry, art and technology, beauty and innovation. The masters of costume jewelery enter a dialogue with the great stylists and the talents of design, three heterogeneous visions with a single great protagonist: the Italian fashion jewel. Boeknummer: 56812 | Prijs: EUR 50.00 In winkelwagen

Alba Cappellieri DIVA! ITALIAN GLAMOUR IN FASHION JEWELLERY Silvana Editoriale, 2021. HB, 310 x 240 mm, 264 pages, , 300 illustraties, English / IT edition. ISBN: 9788836648047 Two hundred Italian fashion jewels define the aesthetic mirror of society through the decades, showing the transformation of styles and customs. In Italy, since ancient times, fashion jewellery has been, and still is, an important component of clothing, of which it represents an accessory and a complement. The history of fashion cannot be written without mentioning its jewels. The volume presents two hundred Italian fashion jewels that, spanning from era of La Dolce Vita to the Pret à Porter of the Eighties, from 90s Minimalism to the Neo Baroque of the new millennium, define the aesthetic mirror of society and show the transformation of styles and customs, ambitions and conquests of women, the evolution of shapes and innovations of materials and new technologies. DIVA! Italian Glamor in Fashion Jewellery tells about fashion jewelery in its creative intersections with Italian excellence: craftsmanship, design and fashion. A typically Italian story based on the ability to combine creativity, manufacturing and industry, art and technology, beauty and innovation. The masters of costume jewelery enter a dialogue with the great stylists and the talents of design, three heterogeneous visions with a single great protagonist: the Italian fashion jewel. Boeknummer: 57852 | Prijs: EUR 50.00 In winkelwagen

ALEMANY-DESSAINT VERONIQUE Orfevrerie francaise, suivi d'une etude sur L'Orfevrerie d'etain par Phillipe BOUCAUD Paris, Les Editions de l'Illustration Baschet & Cie, 1988. Relie, cartonnage d'editeur sous jaquette originale, 214pp., 29x24.5cm., ills., belle exemplaire. ISBN: 2705900357 Boeknummer: 48843 | Prijs: EUR 35.00 In winkelwagen

ALLAN, David. ORFEVRERIE FRANCAISE ORIENTALISTE DU 19e SIECLE/ FRENCH ORIENTALIST SILVER OF THE 19TH CENTURY, Paris, Galerie Berko, 2003. Broche, couverture carton illustree, frontispice-photo, 205 x 265mm., 64pp., illustration profond en couleurs. L'influence de l'Orient sur l'orfevrerie francaise. Catalogue. Glossaire. Bibliographie. Edition bilingue. Bon etat. Boeknummer: 19465 | Prijs: EUR 35.00 In winkelwagen

Andren, Erik ? Hellner, Brynolf ? Hernmarck, Carl & Holmquist, Kersti. Svenskt silversmide 1520-1850. Guld- och silverstA?¤mplar. (Detta arbete A?¤r utgivet av Nordiska Museet och Nordisk Rotogravyr med bidrag fran Humanistiska fonden och Artur Hazeliusfonden). Nordisk Rotograver Stockholm, 1963. Hardcover , Mit 9092 Stempelabbildungen u. einigen weiteren Textabbildungen. 791 (1) S. Marken der schwedischen Gold- u. Silberschmiede enthalt. Mit ausfuhrlichen Registern Boeknummer: 48814 | Prijs: EUR 150.00 In winkelwagen

Andy Lim Karl Fritsch : The Baby BRICK : The LIM Collection Darling Publications, 2007. 1. Hardcover, 862 pages, ENG / GER, 130 x 105 x 100 mm, NEW, illustrated, with 5 ribbon markers. ISBN: 9783939130208 the very early works of Karl Fritsch ; published in honour of the Françoise van den Bosch Award 2006, which has been awarded to the eminent goldsmith Karl Fritsch Boeknummer: 61158 | Prijs: EUR 65.00 In winkelwagen

Andy Lim ; Gerhard Dietrich ; Karl Fritsch Karl Fritsch : Die 7 Todsünden Darling Publications, 2008. 1. 16 pages, hard cover, 8 colour photographs, text in German, 310 x 245 x 10 mm, NEW, available in dark grey / purple. ISBN: 9783939130888 Karl Fritsch or the ring as a sophisticated weapon. What I find really fascinating, and one of the reasons why it's so interesting to make jewelery, is the moment of recognition when something that comes across as cute and pretty, has on Second glimpse into almost obscene grotesque. I would say this quality probably works best in jewelery, where politeness and cold-blooded anger can clash mercilessly into one another . We present Karl's latest works designed specially for Hannah Gallery: gold & silver seal rings as apainter palette, colors of the gems ... diamonds, zirconias, carnelians, garnets ... materials must be sick to be shaped in these variations of barocky and geometric shapes ... engraved messages in the shore. Boeknummer: 61177 | Prijs: EUR 35.00 In winkelwagen

Andy Lim ; Karl Fritsch ; Simon Vogel Karl Fritsch - Metrosideros Robusta : Volume 44 van Schriftenreihe des Bayerischen Kunstgewerbe-Vereins Darling Publications, 2006. 1. Hardcover, 444 pages, ENG / GER, 250 x 215 x 55 mm, NEW, ill. in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9783939130130 EssayKarl Fritsch's jewellery generally rings often have a cheeky, humorous look to them. His frequent choice of deliberately clunky, apparently almost childish forms contradicts the common expectation that jewellery should seduce the viewer through its perfection and classic beauty. Fritsch's secret is the paradox that a degree of clumsiness actually attracts attention. His clever use of this fact means that his designs change the viewer's perception of jewellery, and still more that of the wearer, who enjoys a yet closer interaction with the piece. Boeknummer: 61187 | Prijs: EUR 65.00 In winkelwagen

Anne-Barbara Knerr ZEITGEIST, 100 Jahre Modeschmuck aus Idar-Oberstein Germany, Arnoldsche, 2009. 192 Seiten, 23 x 28,5 cm, ca. 270 Farbabbildungen. Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag. Text in Deutsch und Englisch. ISBN: 9783897903142 Ab der zweiten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts entwickelte sich in Idar-Oberstein eine bedeutende Modeschmuck-Produktion. In zahlreichen grossen und kleinen Fabriken wurde bis in die 1980er Jahre hinein fur die ganze Welt Schmuck produziert; heute hat dieses Gewerbe nahezu keine Bedeutung mehr. Wahrend dieser langen Zeitspanne war Idar-Oberstein neben Pforzheim, Schwabisch Gmund und Hanau eines der vier wichtigsten deutschen Schmuckzentren. Im Idar-Obersteiner Modeschmuck spiegeln sich die jeweils aktuellen Trends: Historismus, Jugendstil, Art Deco ? bis hin zu Informel und Zero der 1960er und 1970er Jahre. Der innovative Umgang mit einfachen (kostengunstigen) Materialien fuhrte dort schon fruh zu einer vom Echtschmuck unabhangigen Asthetik. Boeknummer: 22393 | Prijs: EUR 47.90 In winkelwagen

Arnold | Joppien | Chadour-Sampson. FRIEDRICH BECKER. Jewellery. Kinetics. Objects. Arnoldsche Art Publishers. 304 pages, 24 x 30 cm. 425 illustrations, with 277 in colour. Cloth with dust-jacket. Text in English and German. . ISBN: 9783925369766 Friedrich Becker was a goldsmith of world renown and undoubtedly one of the most outstanding artistic personalities of our day, truly altering the course of goldsmiths' work in the latter half of the 20th century. Becker was the creator of kinetic jewellery and well known as a sculptor and designer. His work is collected by many major museums and has featured in inumerable exhibitions. The purity of form in his work laid the foundations for a new aesthetic style in jewelllery. Stemming from his preoccupation with precision, he combined high standards of workmanship with a supreme sublety. In his jewellery "wearable" art was born. The book focuses on the extraordinary genius of Becker, a master craftsman and mentor, who would have welcomed this exploration of his work to inspire artists and art historians alike. A fascinating survey of the versatile creativity of the artist, who as an internationally acknowledged gold jeweller and designer of kinetic jewellery left his mark on the goldsmithery of the second half of the 20th century. Boeknummer: 33967 | Prijs: EUR 94.95 In winkelwagen

AUBRY. Philippe Wolfers. Beschaving en Barbarij. Brussel, 2007. Paperback, 240x180mm,, 56p, 55 ill.,Dutch (NL) edition,ISBN-10: 9051304048 ISBN-13: 9789051304046 ISBN: 9051304048 Beschaving en Barbarij is niet alleen een uitzonderlijk art-nouveaubeeld. Het is eveneens een historisch document dat een belangrijke periode in onze geschiedenis inluidt. De Stichting heeft het kunnen aankopen om het een Belgische toekomst te verzekeren. Het beeld wordt van 22 mei tot 8 september 2002 in het Hortamuseum te Brussel gepresenteerd. Daarna zal het zijn plaats vinden in het vernieuwde art-nouveaucircuit van de Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis. Boeknummer: 19343 | Prijs: EUR 12.50 In winkelwagen

Avest, H.P. ter Harlinger zilver. Gemeentemuseum Het Hannemahuis, 1996. Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, 192 pagina's met afbeeldingen waarvan 90% in kleur. 20.5 x 24 cm,. ISBN: 9789080103443 Boeknummer: 53162 | Prijs: EUR 25.00 In winkelwagen

BALBONI BRIZZA, Maria Teresa e ZANNI, Annalisa; GIOIELLI, Torino, Umberto Allemandi, 1996. Bound, blue-greenish cardboard, illustrated dustjacket in color, 175 x 250mm., 112pp., profound colour illustration. ISBN: 8842206881 Italian text. In good condition. Boeknummer: 25334 | Prijs: EUR 40.00 In winkelwagen

BANGERT, Albrecht; GOUD EN ZILVER, Antwerpen / Bussum, Moussault's / Standaard, 1981. softcover geillustreerde kartonomslag, 225 x 290mm., 96pp., zeer mooie en uitgebreide illustratie in z/w en kleur. Nederlandse vertaling van het in 1976 verschenen werk. Uitvoerige verklaringen en beschrijvingen bij de afbeeldingen bieden de lezer een uitgebreid overzicht van de goud- en zilverkunst uit de voorbije eeuwen. In goede staat. Boeknummer: 16233 | Prijs: EUR 15.00 In winkelwagen

Barbara Mass, Anna Schetelich, Wolfram Otto. Petra Zimmermann: Jewellery / Schmuck. Stuttgart, Arnoldsche Art Publishers, 2011. Flexibinding, 128pp., 21.5x29cm., illustr. troughout, new. German / English text. ISBN: 9783897903463 Petra Zimmermann occupies a unique position among emerging contemporary jewellery artists: she shares their exciting approach to the subject of jewellery and the quotable adoption of the pop culture label for defining the auteur jewellery concept in which she succeeds, this time through historical reference. The artist draws on past encounters with costume jewellery from the previous century for her rings, bracelets and brooches. Comprised of bright, colourful synthetic forms, these objects receive a framework in which their artificial appearance contrasts to the dusty splendour of the historic costume jewellery. Beguiling pieces of jewellery emerge, which combine the present fascination for glamour with an element of progression, thus referencing the costume jewellery as an essential component in the production and construction of glamour in the portrait photography of the Hollywood diva. In her latest series of works, the artist uses mass media images of models, floral motifs, architecture and design objects which broaden her scope of cultural and social interpretations. Thus behind the visual opulence of her work, she succeeds in handling relevant aesthetic and social themes in her pieces; relevant for a generation that no longer struggles against traditional conventions, but that negotiates much more in an increasingly complex environment in the search for personal and historical coherence. Boeknummer: 31993 | Prijs: EUR 32.95 In winkelwagen

BARKOVA, L. L./ DOMANSKIJ, JA. V./ GALANINA, L. K./ E.A. L'or des Scythes Brussel, Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis, 1991. softcover, Broche, original illustre editeur de couverture en couleur, 25x29, 5cm, 263pp, illustre en couleur et noir / blanc texte dans Frenchtown. ISBN: 2871931305 Tresors de l'Ermitage, Leningrad. Histoire et civilisation des Scythes dans la region nord de la mer Noire. La culture de Maikop du troisieme millenaire avant JC. Kuban La civilisation du debut du premier millenaire avant JC. Art scythe precoce du 7 au 6eme siecle avant JC, etc Boeknummer: 20680 | Prijs: EUR 19.00 In winkelwagen

BARR, Elaine; GEORGE WICKES 1698 - 1761 ROYAL GOLDSMITH, London, Studio Vista, 1980. Bound, grey cloth, gold impression, illustrated dustjacket, 190 x 250mm., 210pp., b/w illustration. ISBN: 028970877X Garrard and Co. Book is in good condition. Boeknummer: 22345 | Prijs: EUR 20.00 In winkelwagen

BAUDOUIN, Piet/COLMAN, Pierre en GOETHALS, Dorsan. EDELSMEEDKUNST IN BELGIE. PROFAAN ZILVER XVIDE- XVIIDE- XVIIIDE EEUW. Tielt, Lannoo, 1988. Gebonden, groen linnen met goudopdruk, originele uitgeversomslag met flappen in kleur, 25.6x29.7 cm., 271 pp., geillustreerd in kleur en z/w. ISBN: 9020915789 STANDAARDWERK Boeknummer: 24199 | Prijs: EUR 25.00 In winkelwagen

BAUDOUIN, Piet; COLMAN, Pierre et GOETHALS, Dorsan; ORFEVRERIE EN BELGIQUE. ZILVER IN BELGIE. SILVER IN BELGIUM 1500 - 1800, Bruxelles, Racine, 1998. Relie, toile sous jaquette, 245 x 265mm., 192pp., illustration profonde en couleurs.978-2-87386-075-2 ISBN: 9782873860752 Depuis l'epuisement d'un premier ouvrage des memes auteurs sur l'orfevrerie en Belgique, paru en 1988 et depuis longtemps introuvable, il manquait cruellement un ouvrage de reference sur l'orfevrerie civile aux poincons des cites de la Belgique actuelle, de la Renaissance au neo-classicisme. Cette edition, entierement refondue et actualisee, comble cette lacune. Elle ravira non seulement le collectionneur amateur qui y retrouvera le contexte artistique et stylistique dans lequel s'inscrivent et s'eclairent les pieces de sa collection, mais aussi, sur un plan plus professionnel, les antiquaires, conservateurs de musee, historiens de l'art, experts et chercheurs belges et etrangers, auxquels manquait une monographie sur l'orfevrerie combien riche et diversifiee des cites des Anciens Pays-Bas meridionaux et de la Principaute de Liege, d'Ypres a Virton, en passant par les grands centres de rayonnement europeen que furent Bruges, Gand, Anvers, Bruxelles, Liege, Mons et Tournai. L'iconographie, due en majeure partie au talent du photographe Hugo Maertens, est pour une grande part inedite et constituera une revelation pour plus d'un. Une double planche de synthese est reservee aux poincons et meme les specialistes apprecieront un repertoire ville par ville entierement nouveau. L'ouvrage offre aussi un carnet d'adresses exhaustif des collections publiques belges riches en orfevrerie civile. Epuise chez l'editeur. Etat nouveau. Boeknummer: 18664 | Prijs: EUR 20.00 In winkelwagen

Begeer, S.A.C. et al. (introd.). Zilversmeden van de stad Schoonhoven Schoonhoven, Goud-,Zilver-en Klokkenmuseum, 1981. Illustrated stiff wrappers, 23,9 x 17,4 cm., 176 pp. with b/w illustrations of hall marks, biographies, abbreviations, glossary. . Boeknummer: 22445 | Prijs: EUR 20.00 In winkelwagen

Bernard Wodon. Florilege du fer forge Liegeois au XVIIIe siecle. Liege, Pierre Mardaga, 1988. Broche, 252pp., 22x24cm., nombr. ills. en coul. et n/b., bon etat. ISBN: 287009339x Boeknummer: 34639 | Prijs: EUR 34.00 In winkelwagen

Beth Bernstein If These Jewels Could Talk The Legends Behind Celebrity Gems ACC Art Books, 2015. Size: 290 mm x 237 mm Pages: 256 Illustrations: 216 colour, 64 b&w
Hardback. ISBN: 9781851498079
The stories behind the great celebrity jewellery collections Featuring the jewels of Grace Kelly, Marlene Dietrich, Jackie Kennedy and many more Chapters on the great collectors of old, and the new celebrity collectors of today Throughout the 20th century, jewellery revealed the behind-the-scenes stories and the plot twists and turns in the real lives of celebrities that will always be larger than life. Some of the world's most fabulous jewels not only illustrated power and status in society but these magical gems held tremendous sentimental value as they were linked to the most significant moments and memories of Hollywood royalty, international aristocracy and international icons of style. If These Jewels Could Talk offers a glimpse into the jewellery boxes of these celebrities - the personal tastes, heartfelt anecdotes and the true tales of the women who wore and collected the pieces. During the early- to mid-20th century, a majority of screen actresses requested to wear their own favourite pieces in films. This offered a peek into some of the great jewellers of the time who were designing for women who could choose anything. Actresses such as Merle Oberon, Paulette Goddard, Joan Crawford, Grace Kelly and Elizabeth Taylor as well as icons such as Jackie Kennedy and The Duchess of Windsor created signature styles for which they became known and which influenced generations of women, becoming part of our collective consciousness. The 20s through the 50s were a time when the renowned jewellery houses were also celebrities in their own right. They mixed with the socialites and royalty they bejewelled. In films, jewellery clearly developed and defined a character's personality - as it did in real life - whether it be a rags-to-riches story or those that figured into the plot: for example, a Cartier bracelet in Alfred Hitchcock's Lifeboat, or a Harry Winston necklace in Notorious. Whether on or off screen, worn by the famed and the legendary, and designed by the most revered houses of the day, all of these jewels take us on a narrative journey that provide fascinating insight into the intriguing worlds of early Hollywood and nobility from the 1920s through to today. Boeknummer: 47717 | Prijs: EUR 75.00 In winkelwagen

BLAIR CLAUDE L'Argenterie. Art et Histoire. Paris, Flammarion, 1989. Relie, toile sous jaquette, 255pp., ills. en coul., 23x29.5cm., bon etat. ISBN: 9782082019064 Boeknummer: 48945 | Prijs: EUR 25.00 In winkelwagen

Blanc, P.M. Le Kerkelijk zilver : Negen opstellen over kerkelijke zilversmeedkunst Sdu Uitgevers 1992, 1992. 1. Paperback, 191 pagina's, NL, 210 x 150 mm, in zeer goede staat, lichte verkleuring op de rug, met foto's en illustraties in z/w, . ISBN: 9789012065580 Boeknummer: 59265 | Prijs: EUR 10.00 In winkelwagen

BLOMMAERT, KRISTIEN NICO TAEYMANS. JUWELEN EN ANDERE VERHALEN/ BIJOUX ET AUTRES HISTOIRES/ JEWELLERY AND OTHER STORIES. Antwerpen, JUNO bvba, 2004. Gebrocheerd, originele geillustreerde (foto) uitgeversomslag in kleur, 29,5x21cm, 96pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w, als nieuw!!!! Tekst Nederlands/ Francais/ English. In Vlaanderen zijn de juwelen van Nico Taeymans al jaren een gevestigde waarde. Het zijn tijdloze stukken in zilver, tintelende modecollecties, persoonlijke trouwringen en speciale sieraden in goud. Wellicht minder bekend bij het grote publiek zijn de kleine objecten in hout, zilver en tin. Nico Taeymans waagt zich op vele terreinen. Dit prachtig geillustreerde boek geeft een overzicht van zijn ontwerpen vanaf de begint jaren tot nu/ Ce livre richement illustre donne un apercu de ses creations, des debuts jusqu'a nos jours/ This beautifully illustrated book offers a survey of his work from the early years up to now. Boeknummer: 13091 | Prijs: EUR 38.00 In winkelwagen

Brohan, Karl H. Metallkunst. Silber, Kupfer, Messing, Zinn. Vom Jugendstil zur Moderne (1889-1939) (Sammlung Karl H. Brohan, Bd. 4) Berlin, Brohan - Museum, 1990. Bound, cloth with dj., XV+608 pag., 22x27.5cm., many ills. mostly in b/w., good copy (some traces of use on dj.). ISBN: 3980152537 Boeknummer: 49396 | Prijs: EUR 85.00 In winkelwagen

Brosens, Koenraad/ De Ren, Leo. Ruimte voor zilver. Antwerpen, 2000. Originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 71 p., ill., kleurenill., bibliogr. Sterckshof studies 13. Nederlandse, Franse, Duitse en Engelse tekst. Boeknummer: 7120 | Prijs: EUR 12.00 In winkelwagen

Buck, Siegfried De. Siegfried De Buck. expo Beijing 2008 Gent / Beijing, bij de auteur, 2008. oorspronkelijk omslag geniet, , ongepag. (32pp.), 28x14cm., ills. in kleur. Boeknummer: 42664 | Prijs: EUR 10.00 In winkelwagen

Bulgari Costantino G. Maestri argentieri gemmari e orafi d'Italia. 5 VOLUMES COMPLETE!!! Roma, Lorenzo del Turco / Fratelli Palombi Editori, 1958-1974. 5 volume set, bound, blue cloth and gilt title on spine, 586+633+473+479+476pp., 22.5x30cm., col. ills. tipped-in: 37+34+38+40+38 plates. Good condition!! Very rare!!!. Content: Roma (vol. I + vol. II and part of vol. III) - Lazio e Umbria (vol. III ) - Marche-Romagna (Vol. IV) Emilia (vol. V). Boeknummer: 48848 | Prijs: EUR 1350.00 In winkelwagen

BURSCHEL, CARLO/ SCHEIFFELE, HEINZ. WMF IKORA METALWORK from the 1920s to the 1960s/ WMF IKORA METALL 1920er bis 1960er Jahre. Stuttgart, Arnoldsche Art Publishers, 2006. Bound, illustrated editors' plates, 30,5x23,5cm, 264pp, illustrated in colour and b/w. ISBN: 3897901919 External artistes and designer for NKA at WMF AG/ Externe Kunstler und designer der WMF AG. Boeknummer: 13107 | Prijs: EUR 35.00 In winkelwagen

Canneyt, Ignace, Verschaeve, Angelo Vlaams koper en brons Brugge, Wiele,1983,. Gebonden in linnen, met de originele omslagwikkel in perfectie conditie ! 24x20cm, 120pp, Met ruim 500 afgebeelde voorwerpen, een vergelijkende studie van Vlaams ambachtelijk ,koper en brons uit prive-verzamelingen,steeds moeilijker te vinden exemplaar ! Boeknummer: 13785 | Prijs: EUR 59.00 In winkelwagen

cat. Art et bijoux belges Brussel, Ministère des Affaires Economiques, 1975. cartonnage illustre de l'editeur, 40pp. Texte en Francais. Tentoonstellingscatalogi; Lille : Palais Rihour, 26/09/1975-19/10/1975 Boeknummer: 53624 | Prijs: EUR 15.00 In winkelwagen

CATALOGUE. DE VECCHI MILANO 1935. Milano, De Vecchi, s/d. Brossura, giacca editore originale, 22x20.6 cm, + / -. 60 pp, illustrato a colori e in b / w, edizione bilingue italiano / inglese. Paperback, original editor's jacket, 22x20.6 cm., +/- 60 pp., illustrated in color and b/w, bilingual edition italian/english.. Boeknummer: 3442 | Prijs: EUR 20.00 In winkelwagen

CATALOGUS. GOUD VAN DE THRACIERS. SCHATTEN UIT BULGARIJE. Brussel, Paleis voor Schone Kunsten, 2002.**. Gebrocheerd, originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 24,5x29,5cm, 247pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w. Tentoonstelling, Paleis voor Schone Kunsten, Brussel, 5/10/2002-5/01/2003. Europalia Bulgaria 2002. Boeknummer: 12277 | Prijs: EUR 20.00 In winkelwagen

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