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-- Capita Selecta Tentoonstellingscataloog bij de expo Capita Selecta stad kortrijk, 2014. Hardcover , 120 pagina's Illustrated. ISBN: 9789071579127 Boeknummer: 48501 | Prijs: EUR 30.00 In winkelwagen

-- Lawrence Schiller. Marilyn & Me Taschen, 2021. Hardcover, 23,2 x 31,6 cm, 1,85 kg, 200 pages. Language English, French. Marilyn & Me is the intimate story of a legend before her fall and a young photographer on his way up. With more than 100 images, including rare outtakes from the set of Marilyn Monroe?s last film, the result is a real and unexpected portrait of the star in her final months. On her final film, Marilyn Monroe gave a young photographer his big break, and this is their story. Marilyn & Me is the intimate story of a legend before her fall and a young photographer on his way up. With more than 100 images, including rare outtakes from the set of Marilyn Monroe?s last film, the result is a real and unexpected portrait of the star in her final months. Boeknummer: 56592 | Prijs: EUR 50.00 In winkelwagen

-- modular lighting instruments album d'or 1980-2000, photobook. kortrijk, 2000. hardcover 151pp. limited edition of 200 copies number 101, an special photobook of an great company Boeknummer: 45267 | Prijs: EUR 30.00 In winkelwagen

/ Takao Inoue Takao Inoue / KYO SHOYO light picture album PHOTOGRAPHS. Kyo shoyo : Inoue takao kogacho Pale ?, Japan. Hardcover with dusjacket Language: Japanese. Size: 29.6 x 22.4 x 2.6 cm. ISBN: 9784473015686 KYO SHOYO Kyo shoyo : Inoue takao kogacho Boeknummer: 57774 | Prijs: EUR 35.00 In winkelwagen

Abring. H.D. Von Daguerre bis heute. Band I-III. Hrsg. vom privaten Foto-Museum in Herne. Herne. 1977-1985. bound hardcover, Illustr. Originalpappbande in gutem Zustand. Mit ca. 3500 Abbildungen (vor allem Kameras) Illustr. Originalpappbande in gutem Zustand. Standardwerk der Photographie. . Boeknummer: 42483 | Prijs: EUR 90.00 In winkelwagen

Adelino Gomes ; Alfredo Cunha OS RAPACES DOS TANQUES Porto Editora, 2017. 1. Hardcover, 190 pages, PORTUGUES, 295 x 250 x 20 mm, dustjacket,( sobrecapa), in very good condition!
ilustrado em fotografias p/b. ISBN: 9789720046345
"Os Rapazes dos Tanques" is a tribute to the Cavalry men who ended 48 years of dictatorship, in particular Captain Salgueiro Maia?, edited in 2014, when the 40th anniversary of the Revolution was celebrated. Alfredo Cunha's photographs, taken on April 25, 1974, taken from 6:45 am, between Terreiro do Paço and Largo do Carmo, as well as those of the PIDE headquarters, taken the following day, make a sequential record of the Carnation Revolution and are complemented by interviews conducted by Adelino Gomes with thirty-two soldiers who participated in the revolution and Natércia Salgueiro Maia, widow of the Captain, creating a historical record and ?leading us to (re)live those hours and to understand the doubts, the fears, the anxiety, the tension, the hope, the joys experienced by citizens who, after that day, returned, in most cases, to anonymity. And to know, too, the look that these men have on the country forty years later.? Boeknummer: 60947 | Prijs: EUR 180.00 In winkelwagen

Aernout Overbeeke Ndoto Tanzania Dream BE, Ludion, 2010. Gebonden, 144pp, 29.60 x 33.60 cm, rijkelijk geillustreerd met 92 foto's. In goede staat. ISBN: 9789055447893 Ndoto Tanzania Dream focuses on the travels Aernout made to Tanzania. The overwhelming nature and the everyday life of the Masai are beautifully captured. Aernout Overbeeke: As a boy of 12 years old I wanted to see the world that I looked at in magazines as Life: far away, large, not easy to reach. But that all changed in the last decades. Now it's easy travel around the world and one of the consequences is, that many places start to look like each other. That's the tragic way of progress. I have to capture the old before it vanishes. Boeknummer: 28284 | Prijs: EUR 45.00 In winkelwagen

Agathe Dupire ; Melanie Ashton ; Mothmeister ; Nandrysha ; etc. Dark and Dystopian Post­Mortem Fairy Tales Lannoo 2021, 2021. 1. Hardcover, 272 pages, English, 285 x 245 mm, book is as New !, with very special photographs in colour !! gorgeous clothings and masks.. ISBN: 9789401473644 In Dark & Dystopian Post-Mortem Fairy Tales, Mothmeister - the two-headed alter ego of the anonymous Belgian artistic duo - pays tribute to the many muses that incited its unsettling and eccentric dreamworld. These range from artists around the globe, legendary figures and myths and a quirky taxidermy collection to desolate places where its most grotesque and often melancholic characters were born, such as the macabre Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo, the abandoned unearthly town of Pyramiden in Spitsbergen and the site of the Chernobyl disaster. All of this flows into a unique fairyland that flirts with the morbid, religious and often clownish, in which taxidermy animals are brought back to life in the most unusual ways. Boeknummer: 58261 | Prijs: EUR 44.50 In winkelwagen

Agfa camera - werk Hoe word ik een knap fotograaf? AG. Munchen, Agfa. fotograferen schenkt vreugde..., weet uw apparaat te kiezen, het oog van het apparaat Boeknummer: 22650 | Prijs: EUR 5.00 In winkelwagen

Agnes Geoffray (coll. Livres d'art et de photographie) Profond Silence Agnes Geoffray. Lettre Volee (art et photographie), 2009. Paperback, 280x220mm, 112p, throughout colour illustrations,
French edition. ISBN: 9782873173517
Plus qu'un catalogue, Profond silence est une mise en resonance des divers champs du travail artistique d'Agnes Geoffray. L'ouvrage deploie le travail le plus recent de l'artiste, il revele les liens etroits entre sa pratique photographique, sa pratique sculpturale et son travail d'ecriture. La litterature et principalement l'attrait pour le fait-divers ont fonde son travail d'ecriture, toutes ces petites histoires qui convoquent l'Histoire. Les photographies judiciaires, journalistiques, voire medicales, ont inspire la nature de son travail photographique. Cette continuelle fascination pour la notion d'objet photographique lui permet de naviguer et de jouer formellement avec tous les atours de la photographie. Le lecteur plonge avec delectation dans l'univers d'Agnes Geoffray, un univers empreint des peurs les plus archaiques et les plus familieres, ou l'etrangete emerge de toutes choses. Un univers melant etroitement fiction et realite, pour mieux les confondre et les reinventer. Agnes Geoffray, diplomee des Beaux-Arts de Lyon et Paris, est une plasticienne francaise. Elle vit et travaille entre Bruxelles et Lyon. Apres une residence a la Rijksakademie d'Amsterdam, elle sera prochainement pensionnaire a la Villa Medicis, l'Academie de France a Rome. Elle expose regulierement son travail en France, en Belgique et a l'etranger, actuellement a la Phoenix Halle a Dortmund, en Allemagne. La Lettre volee a deja publie un ouvrage, Ultieme Hallucinatie, et des multiples de l'artiste : Bloc. Boeknummer: 50109 | Prijs: EUR 24.00 In winkelwagen

Ahmet Polat Kemal's Dream. NL-, FOAM, 2012. softcover, 200 pages, 34.5x24cm, English text , illustrations b/w. ISBN: 9789461908612 De fotograaf Ahmet Polat (NL,1978) richt zich in zijn nieuwe project Kemal?s Dream op het leven van jongeren in het huidige Turkije. De jongste generatie Turken binnen deze nog jonge democratie wordt in hoge mate bepaald door de spanning tussen traditie en moderniteit en tussen religie en secularisme. Veel Turkse families leiden nog een traditioneel leven. Tegelijkertijd is er de aantrekkingskracht van een meer individuele en Westerse levensstijl. Voor veel jongeren levert dit een tweestrijd op die kenmerkend is voor de gehele Republiek Turkije. Vanaf de stichting van de republiek door Kemal Atatürk in 1923 wordt Turkije getekend door een dualisme dat vaak wordt teruggebracht naar een strijd tussen Oost en West. Het complexe politieke debat rondom het EU-lidmaatschap intensiveert deze interne strijd en maakt de zoektocht naar een eigen identiteit uiterst actueel. Als zoon van een Nederlandse moeder en Turkse vader herkent Polat deze problematiek en hij besloot dit wezenlijke proces aan de hand van zijn eigen generatie vast te leggen. De afgelopen vijf jaar woonde en werkte Polat in Turkije. Hij reisde van Istanboel naar de Zwarte Zee en van Gaziantep in het zuidoosten van Turkije naar de Egeïsche regio om vrienden en nieuw gemaakte kennissen te bezoeken, te fotograferen en te interviewen. Door zijn persoonlijke geschiedenis slaagt Polat er in zijn onderwerp niet van buitenaf, maar juist van binnenuit te verbeelden. Dit resulteert in een persoonlijk document dat de huidige jonge Turkse generatie dichterbij brengt. Door het vastleggen van jongeren in zowel de grote steden als op het meer conservatieve platteland, geeft hij bovendien de diversiteit binnen een generatie weer. Boeknummer: 64428 | Prijs: EUR 34.50 In winkelwagen

Ahmet Polat , Claartje van Dijk , Kim Knoppers Ara Güler a play of light and shadow. Hannibal Books, 2023. Hardcover, 260 x 250 mm, 240 pages, ENG. edition FINE!. ISBN: 9789464666298 Turkey's best-known photographer, Ara Güler (1928-2018), depicted daily life in Turkey for three-quarters of a century. Documenting traders, fishermen, children and cats, Güler captured the rough edges of Istanbul as well as all its splendour, often in black and white but also in colour. Until recently, he could still regularly be seen on the terrace of his own café Ara. Last summer a museum was opened there in memory of the photographer and his work. Now, some four years after his death, thousands of works from the Ara Güler archive have been digitised, revealing that he was so much more than 'the eye of Istanbul'. Güler created reportage photography over the world, including in Africa and Afghanistan. He photographed celebrities such as Alfred Hitchcock, Salvador Dalí, Maria Callas and Sophia Loren. His versatility can also be seen in experimental collages from the early part of his career and in more recent work in which he plays with light and colour. This book offers a contemporary view of his work and is the first monograph to show Güler's oeuvre in all its versatility, including in colour. It is the result of years of research by Studio Polat and Foam in Amsterdam. De bekendste fotograaf van Turkije, Ara Güler (1928-2018), bracht driekwart eeuw lang het dagelijks leven van Turkije in beeld. Met het documenteren van de handelaars, de vissers, de kinderen en de katten legde Güler de rauwe randen van Istanbul maar ook al haar pracht vast, vaak in zwart-wit en ook in kleur. Tot voor kort was hij nog geregeld te zien op het terras van zijn eigen café Ara. Afgelopen zomer opende er een museum ter nagedachtenis van de fotograaf en zijn werk. Nu, zo'n vier jaar na zijn overlijden, zijn duizenden werken uit het Ara Güler-archief gedigitaliseerd en wordt getoond dat hij zoveel meer was dan 'the eye of Istanbul'. Güler maakte fotoreportages over de hele wereld, onder meer in Afrika en Afghanistan. Hij fotografeerde beroemdheden als Alfred Hitchcock, Salvador Dalí, Maria Callas en Sophia Loren. Zijn veelzijdigheid is ook te zien in experimentele collages uit het begin van zijn carrière en in recenter werk waarin hij speelt met licht en kleur. Dit boek biedt een hedendaagse kijk op zijn werk en is de eerste monografie die Gülers oeuvre in zijn veelzijdigheid toont, ook in kleur. Het is het resultaat van jarenlang onderzoek door Studio Polat en Foam in Amsterdam. Met tekstbijdragen van onder anderen kunsthistorica Kim Knoppers, fotohistoricus Özge Baykan Calafato, fotograaf en filmmaker Ahmet Polat en Claartje van Dijk, curator en hoofd tentoonstelling bij Foam in Amsterdam. With text contributions by art historian Kim Knoppers, historian of photography Özge Baykan Calafato, photographer and filmmaker Ahmet Polat and Claartje van Dijk, curator and head of exhibitions at Foam in Amsterdam. Boeknummer: 62480 | Prijs: EUR 59.00 In winkelwagen

Alain Seban, Quentin Bajac Collection Photographs : History of Photography-Centre Pompidou Steidl, 2008. 1. Hardcover, 468 pages, ENG, 240 x 195 x 48 mm, in good condition, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9783865214805 The Centre Pompidou in Paris houses the largest collection of Modern art in Europe, and one of the greatest collections of twentieth-century photography in the world. This comprehensive catalogue of the photo collection features 350 images, reproduced in tritone and duotone, by nearly 300 of the most famous artists and photographers to engage with the medium--from Franti ek Drtikol, Paul Strand, Walker Evans, Constantin Brancusi, Alexander Rodchenko and Berenice Abbott, via Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Man Ray and Edouard Boubat, to Robert Mapplethorpe, Cindy Sherman, Thomas Struth, Andreas Gursky, Nan Goldin, Vik Muniz, Gregory Crewdson and Thomas Demand. It is divided into six sections, each of which is prefaced by a brief essay. Contributing scholars include Herbert Molderings (on Modernist photography), Alain Sayag (on Dada and Surrealist photography), Clement Cheroux (on "Poetic Realism"), Christopher Phillips, and Agnes de Gouvion Saint-Cyr and Quentin Bajac (on contemporary photography). This substantial and lavishly produced volume offers an authoritative perspective on twentieth-century photography as viewed through the contents of one of the greatest photographic archives in the world. Boeknummer: 61039 | Prijs: EUR 40.00 In winkelwagen

ALBUM Souvenirs de Bordeaux Bordeaux, Lacoste, s.d. (ca. 1900). Relie, toile rouge avec titre dore, 10x15cm., oblong. 12 photographies n/b colle sur carton avec identification des batiments et places touristiques de Bordeaux. Bon etat. ALBUM PHOTOGRAPHIE Boeknummer: 46059 | Prijs: EUR 20.00 In winkelwagen

Alex Levak ; Daniel Ben Simon ; Hava Mordohovich Alex Levac - Our Country - Photographs MOD Publishing House/Carmel, 2000. 1. Hardcover, 129 pages, ENG / Hebrew, 295 x 285 mm, in very good condition, full of photographs in b/w. ISBN: 9789650510527 Text in English and Hebrew. Introduction by Daniel Ben Simon. Illustrated throughout in black & white with Alex Levac's photographs of people in contemporary Israel. Boeknummer: 59802 | Prijs: EUR 35.00 In winkelwagen

ALEXANDER D'HOOGE PUBLIC FORM JONGE ARCHITECTEN IN VLAANDEREN 05 VAI : VLAAMS ARCHITECTUUR INSTITUUT, 2005. 1e druk. Paperback, 80 pagina's, met illustraties. ISBN: 9789080952911 De publicatie 'Alexander D'Hooghe / Public Form' is het vijfde nummer in de reeks 'Jonge Architecten in Vlaanderen', een coproductie van het VAi en A16. Deze publicatiereeks wil een podium bieden voor kwalitatief en vernieuwend werk van jonge architecten, stedenbouwkundigen en onderzoekers in Vlaanderen. Het werk van deze generatie kent zeer uiteenlopende verschijningsvormen en uit zich in gebouwde en papieren projecten, theoretische vertogen, artistieke installaties en stedenbouwkundige projecten. Eerder dan een afgerond oeuvre te presenteren, gaat elke uitgave in op de zoektocht van deze ontwerpers en onderzoekers en op de context waarbinnen ze opereren.nnnHet vijfde nummer is gewijd aan het uitdagend stedenbouwkundig onderzoek van Alexander D'Hooghe. D'Hooghes fascinatie voor de oorsprong van urban design en zijn grondige ontevredenheid met de huidige ontwikkelingen van het stedenbouwkundig onderzoek in Europa, voeden een project dat het midden houdt tussen historisch onderzoek en speculatieve scenario's. Op zoek naar de betekenis van monumentale en symbolische vormen, reactiveert hij in deze publicatie de brokstukken van een radicaal bijna-project uit de jaren '50 en vertaalt deze naar een manifest voor de hedendaagse stad. Boeknummer: 54378 | Prijs: EUR 8.50 In winkelwagen

Alfred Stieglitz Alfred Stieglitz : Camera Work The Complete Photographs, 1903-1917 Taschen, 2013. 1. Hardcover, 552 pages, English,French,German, 200 x 150 x 50 mm, in very good condition !, dustjacket, photographs in colour / b/w , Nostalgic. ISBN: 9783836544078 Photographer, writer, publisher, and curator Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946) was a visionary far ahead of his time. Around the turn of the 20th century, he founded the Photo-Secession, a progressive movement concerned with advancing the creative possibilities of photography, and by 1903 began publishing Camera Work, an avant-garde magazine devoted to voicing the ideas, both in images and words, of the Photo-Secession. Camera Work was the first photo journal whose focus was visual, rather than technical, and its illustrations were of the highest quality hand-pulled photogravure printed on Japanese tissue. This book brings together all photographs from the journal's 50 issues. Boeknummer: 62190 | Prijs: EUR 30.00 In winkelwagen

Amanda Cruz , Elizabeth A. T. Smith , Amelia Jones , Cindy Sherman: Retrospective Thames & Hudson Ltd, 1997. 1. Paperback, 219 pages, ENG, 305 x 235 x 16 mm, as good as new, illustrated in colour. ISBN: 9780500279878 Cindy Sherman is one of the leading American artists of our time, creating staged and manipulated photographs that draw upon popular culture and art history to explore female identity. By visually examining the ways in which gender is dressed, made up and culturally enforced, Sherman has for many become an icon of feminism and postmodernism. Provocative and engaging, the visceral physicality of her photographs is the key to their dramatic power. In this retrospective, essayists Amada Cruz, Elizabeth A.T. Smith and Amelia Jones offer key insights from several distinct vantage points, positioning Sherman's work within the trajectory of feminist art history as well as revealing her influence on the art of the last twenty years. More than 270 images show the breadth of Sherman?s body of work, from the Untitled Film Stills of the 1970s to series such as Centrefolds, Fashion, Disasters, Fairy Tales and History Portraits, as well as photographs influenced by surreal artists. Also included are intriguing excerpts from Sherman?s notebooks, selections from her contact sheets and numerous Polaroid studies, all of which shed light on the artist's process. Cindy Sherman: Retrospective is an essential reference and guide to the work and ideas of this extraordinary artist Boeknummer: 61426 | Prijs: EUR 45.00 In winkelwagen

Amanda Hopkinson De beste foto's uit de 20e eeuw. De maatschappij van 1918-1990 gevangen in honderden briljante foto's Rebo Productions, 1996. 1. Hardcover, 440 pages/pagina's, ENG / NL / FR, 310 x 240 mm, stofomslag, in prima staat, met illustraties / foto's in kleur / z/w. ISBN: 9789036611145 DE BESTE FOTO'S UIT DE 20E EEUW geeft een fotografisch verslag van de periode tussen 1918 en 1990. Hier ziet u de helden, heldinnen, schurken en 'gewone' mensen uit deze periode, vastgelegd zoals de camera ze zag. Hier ziet u hun grote en kleine verdiensten, hun mislukkingen en hun dagelijkse beslommeringen. Hier ziet u opnamen van 1000 momenten 'geschiedenis'. Boeknummer: 60713 | Prijs: EUR 20.00 In winkelwagen

Anahita Ghabaian BREATHING SPACE : Iranian Women Photographers I Thames and Hudson, 2023. 1. HB, 310 x 230 mm, 160 p, 140 illustraties, EN edition, Publication date: Juli 23. ISBN: 9780500027158 Breathing Space showcases the work of twenty-three women photographers from Iran and their diverse approaches to their craft. Exploring a range of photographic styles and genres, they record the past and present upheavals of their homeland as well as tackling subjects such as the nature of memory, the tension between tradition and modernity, and the scars of con§ict and loss. Whether documentary or conceptual, these images have global resonance and speak of the hunger for freedom and the power of women to shape the world. The Photographers: Nazli Abbaspour � Hoda Afshar � Atoosa Alebouyeh � Hoda Amin � Mina Boromand � Solmaz Daryani � Gohar Dashti � Maryam Firuzi � Shadi Ghadirian � Hengameh Golestan � Ghazaleh Hedayat � Rana Javadi � Mahboube Karamli � Gelareh Kiazand � Yalda Moaiery � Sahar Mokhtari � Tahmineh Monzavi � Pargol E. Naloo � Malekeh Nayiny � Mahshid Noshirvani � Ghazaleh Rezaei � Maryam Takhtkeshian � Newsha Tavakolian Boeknummer: 61858 | Prijs: EUR 59.50 In winkelwagen

Anders Ryman ; France Varry ; Petra Frese ; translation : Greg McIvor Rites of Life - Les Rites de la Vie - Lebensrituale Evergreen, 2010. 1. Hardcover, 560 pages / seiten , ENG / FR / D, 270 x 195 x 45 mm, dustjacket, in new condition !, full of coloured photos, . ISBN: 9783836518673 A collection of photographs depicting people around the world at some of the most emotional moments of life: births, coming-of-age rituals, marriages and death. Boeknummer: 60182 | Prijs: EUR 37.00 In winkelwagen

Andre Kertesz. Galerie Wilde : Andre Kertesz ***VON KERTESZ UNTERZEICHNET UND VON THOMAS WALTHER BESCHRIFTET*** Cologne, Herausgeber Thomas Walther., 1982. 1. Hardcarbon, 50 Seiten, text in Deutsch !, 225 x 175 mm, Wie Neu !, 23 photos in s/w, ***1.000 nummerierte Exemplare, signiert von Kertesz. Dieses Exemplar ist von Thomas Walther beschriftet,// Das ist die Nummer :719 //. ISBN: X Erster Druck. Unterzeichnet. 50 Seiten. Veröffentlicht 1982. Retrospektive Fotosammlung. Eines der schönsten Bücher über die fotografische Kunst und Leistung von Andre Kertesz. Limitierte Auflage von 1000 nummerierten und signierten Exemplaren. Die erste und einzige Ausgabe. Es gibt keine ISBN. Die Limited Edition ist mittlerweile selten. Eine streng elegante Produktion der Galerie Wilde: Normalformatiges Bandformat. Cremefarbene Leineneinbände mit braunen Titelprägungen auf dem Einband und dem Rücken, wie ausgegeben. Fotografien von Andre Kertesz. Einführung von Brassai. Gedruckt auf cremefarbenem, ungestrichenem Papier in Köln, Deutschland, nach höchsten Standards. Die Wiedergabequalität ist in jeder Hinsicht vorbildlich. Ohne DJ, wie ausgestellt. Präsentiert in einer limitierten Auflage ?Andre Kertesz: The Galerie Wilde Collection?. Einige der schönsten und repräsentativsten Bilder des Fotografen in einem formal eleganten und exquisiten Format. Jedes der Fotos wird nur auf der rechten Seite präsentiert. Daher wurden sie oft getrennt und einzeln gerahmt. Die Hommage von Brassai ist bewegend: ?Seine Kombination aus modernistischer Vision und poetischem Witz definierte ein Vokabular, das heute mehrere Generationen von Fotografen verwenden? (Brassai). ?Seine Fotografien offenbaren eine ganze Welt, die für jeden, der sie betrachtet, zugleich erwartet und unerwartet ist? (Carol Kismaric). Ein absoluter ?Must-Have?-Titel für Andre-Kertesz-Sammler. Dies ist eine Kopie der limitierten Auflage von 1000 nummerierten und signierten Exemplaren, die auf der hinteren Limitierungsseite mit Bleistift als solche angegeben/nummeriert ist. Es ist sehr deutlich, ordentlich und wunderschön mit schwarzem Tintenstift von Andre Kertesz signiert. Dieser Titel ist ein Klassiker der Kunstfotografie. Soweit wir wissen, ist dies das einzige Exemplar der Limited Edition, das online erhältlich ist, und es ist in besonders gutem Zustand: Sauber, klar und hell. Bitte beachten Sie: Vereinzelt tauchen online Exemplare auf, die jedoch NICHT signiert sind, da Andre Kertesz nicht die gesamte Auflage signiert hat. Ein seltenes signiertes Exemplar also. 23 Teller. Andre Kertesz? ?Day of Paris? wurde in ?The Photobook? zu einem der großartigsten Fotobücher gewählt. Einer der größten Fotografen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ein schönes Sammlerexemplar. Boeknummer: 62813 | Prijs: EUR 150.00 In winkelwagen

Andreas H. Bitesnich ; Amanda Ennis ; Philippe Mothe Andreas H. Bitesnich : INDIA teNeues, 2019. 1. 256 pagina's, 175 full page photographs, 355 x 270 x 37 mm, hardcover, Engels/Frans/Spaans/Italiaans/Deutsch , dustjacket, as good as New. ISBN: 9783832794804 A new edition of Andreas H. Bitesnich's classic portrait of India, a timeless photographic masterpiece capturing the breathtaking beauty and complexity of the world?s largest democracy. India is constantly on the move. It moves sideways, backwards, upwards, and forwards. It is a nation of both past and future, where time seems to pass by its own laws, and extraordinary tradition coexists with hyper modernity and ever-booming construction. For many, India is as much a state of mind as a country. Through this photographic journey of discovery, Andreas H. Bitesnich creates a fascinating book about India, revealing many facets of this intricate, populous country. In color, black-and-white, and sepia, his stunning photographs show Indian culture, food, faith, heritage, landmarks, cities, and wildlife, as well as its daily interactions and centuries-old monuments. The images do not shy away from the complexity and raw hardship of Indian life. With honesty and respect, Bitesnich documents the country?s ongoing struggles as much as its vibrancy and growth. We see India?s temples and mosques, its wild Indian elephants, its extraordinary architecture, and its deep spirituality. And we see its urban sprawl, its squalor, its street poverty, and suffering. The result is a photo book immersed in the Indian present and complexity, while steeped in the texture and gravitas of a bygone travel album. Boeknummer: 61023 | Prijs: EUR 65.00 In winkelwagen

Andres Serrano ; Paula Cooper ; Steve Henry ANDRES SERRANO: BIG WOMEN Marco Noire Editore, 2000. 1. Hardcover, 91 pages, ENG, 345 x 245 x 12 mm, as good as new , with full-page coloured photographs. ISBN: 9788890020216 To become a professional woman bodybuilder, many take anabolic androgenic steroids, testosterone, and other ergogenic aids to achieve a body worthy of that title. Research shows that using these substances can help increase muscle mass and strength at a much faster pace than can be achieved naturally Boeknummer: 60362 | Prijs: EUR 30.00 In winkelwagen

ANDRIES, Pool (samenst.). Brassai foto's uit de museumverzameling Antwerpen, Provincie Antwerpen/Museum voor Fotografie, 1987. originele uitgeversomslag, 29.5x21 cm., pagina's zonder nummering, 56 z/w foto illustraties. Tentoonstellingscatalogus Museum voor Fotografie Antwerpen, 08.01.1988 - 14.02.1988. Boeknummer: 35364 | Prijs: EUR 15.00 In winkelwagen

Andries, Pool Laermans, Rudi Maes, Freya Freya Maes : real fake Vrienden van de Provinciale Musea Antwerpen, 1995. Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag,91 pages. text; NL/ ENG. ISBN: 9053250425 Documentaire foto-opdrachten Vlaanderen: provincie Antwerpen. - Antwerpen; vol. 2 Boeknummer: 57282 | Prijs: EUR 20.00 In winkelwagen

Andy Lim ; Rajka Knipper ; Gerhard Winkler Gerhard Winkler : stationtostation-timeaftertime : Landschaften 1993 - 2008 Darling Publications, 2008. 1. Hardcover, 64 pages, ENG / GER, 220 x 170 x 15 mm, NEW / NEU, ill. in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9783939130789 Boeknummer: 61169 | Prijs: EUR 30.00 In winkelwagen

Andy Lim ; Rafael v. Uslar ; Claus Rottenbacher Claus Rottenbacher : Great Kids - Volume 1 Darling Publications, 2010. 1. Hardcover, 84 pages, ENG / GER, 330 x 330 x 20 mm, NEW, photos in b/w, . ISBN: 9783941765221 What do West Berlin's world-famous ICC, one of the most important pieces of 1970s pop and hi-tech architecture, and the nondescript garages, lounges, or bowling alley of the erstwhile motor pool of the GDR Council of Ministers in Lichtenberg, East Berlin, have in common? The first was created in order to show off West Berlin's claim to global city status. To this day it is regarded as one of the most successful conference centers, yet the ICC's future is still under dispute. The second was once used by the SED leadership to exhibit their claims to power and has been used, since the regime's collapse in 1989, by automobilefocused firms and now also as a gallery, exhibition and studio center. Berlin-based photographer Claus Rottenbacher and architecture historian Nikolaus Bernau investigate the astonishingly well-preserved state of these chronological documents, their ostentatious aesthetic orientation to the "zeitgeist" which was, after all, put to the service of completely different social and cultural systems. They discover a commonality that is located beyond the formal differences. Boeknummer: 61195 | Prijs: EUR 65.00 In winkelwagen

Andy Steel ; Liz Farrelly Celebrity and Performance : The World's Top Photographers Workshops Rotovision, 2009. 1. Hardcover, 176 pages, ENG, 255 x 255 x 18 mm, in good condition, illustrated in colour. ISBN: 9782940378401 Demonstrates how to shoot big personalities. This title showcases the work reflecting the various aspects of celebrity and performance photography, including projects shot in studios, on sets, in theatres, on stage, and on location. Boeknummer: 60782 | Prijs: EUR 30.00 In winkelwagen

Angela Lampe (Ed.) August Sander, Allemagne/années 1920/ Nouvelle Objectivité/August Sander (Centre Pompidou) Centre Pompidou, 2022. Hardcover, 320 pages 30,5 x 20,5 cm, illustrations/ Photos couleur, neuf. ISBN: 9782844269218 Allemagne/années 1920/ Nouvelle Objectivité/August Sander (Centre Pompidou)Cette exposition sur l'art et la culture de la Neue Sachlichkeit (Nouvelle Objectivité) en Allemagne est la première vue d?ensemble sur ce courant artistique en France. Outre la peinture et la photographie, le projet réunit l?architecture, le design, le cinéma, le théâtre, la littérature et la musique. Pluridisciplinaire, l?exposition est structurée en huit sections thématiques, mises en correspondance avec les groupes et catégories socio-culturels créés par August Sander. Le chef-d?oeuvre du photographe August Sander, Hommes du 20e siècle, instaure comme principe structurel le motif d'une coupe transversale à travers une société, en tant qu?« exposition dans l?exposition », les deux perspectives conjointes permettant l'ouverture d?un grand panorama de l?art allemand de la fin des années 1920. Un regard sur l?histoire allemande, dans le contexte d?une Europe contemporaine de mouvements populistes et de sociétés divergentes en pleine révolution numérique, qui invite à constater des résonances politiques et des analogies médiatiques entre les situations d?hier et d?aujourd?hui. ENGLISH: This exhibition on the art and culture of the Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) in Germany is the first overview of this artistic current in France. In addition to painting and photography, the project brings together architecture, design, cinema, theatre, literature and music. Multidisciplinary, the exhibition is structured in eight thematic sections, matched with the socio-cultural groups and categories created by August Sander. Photographer August Sander?s masterpiece, Men of the 20th Century, establishes as a structural principle the motif of a cross-section through a society, as an ?exhibition within an exhibition?, the two joint perspectives allowing the opening of a large panorama of German art of the late 1920s. A look at German history, in the context of a contemporary Europe of populist movements and divergent societies in the midst of the digital revolution, which invites to note political resonances and media analogies between the situations of yesterday and today Boeknummer: 59211 | Prijs: EUR 49.00 In winkelwagen

Angus McBean, Fredric Woodbridge Wilson, Richard Traubner The Photographs of Angus McBean Thames & Hudson, 2009. 1. Hardcover, 176 pages, ENG, 255 x 230 mm, dustjacket, book is in perfect condition, with fabulous photographs of famous moviestars in b/w, mostly from the 1940's and later, . ISBN: 9780500543504 'My kind of theatre concerns itself with kings and queens, princesses sleeping or otherwise in ivory towers, or in enchanted castles with satins, furs and cloths of gold...There must be huge splashes of colour, wild music, beautiful people, monstrous Calibans; magic, imagination, illusion, fairies, oceans of blood and wine, and always happy endings...'. So wrote Angus McBean of the theatre for which he was the court photographer for nearly thirty years, the London stage from the 1930s to the 1960s that encompassed legendary productions of Shakespeare, Congreve, Shaw,Wilde and Coward, the operas of Benjamin Britten, and the beginnings of the Royal Ballet and the Royal National Theatre. Blending wit, drama and fantasy with the consummate skill of a master practitioner, McBean was undoubtedly one of the greats of theatrical, creative and commercial photography. The best of his theatrical portraits, in which he immortalized the likes of Audrey Hepburn, Laurence Olivier and Alec Guinness, are superbly reproduced here in this sumptuous volume, which will be snapped up by anyone with an interest in British theatre, photography and surrealism. Boeknummer: 60200 | Prijs: EUR 30.00 In winkelwagen

Anna Tellgren Reality Revisited Photographs from the Moderna Museet Collection Steidl Publishers, 2010. Hardcover with dusjacket 260 pages 28x22cm good condition. ISBN: 9783869301440 Moderna Museet's collection of photography encompasses some 100,000 photographs from the 1840s up to the present and is one of the finest photography collections in Europe. The collection has been largely undocumented, hence to publish a series of five books of different parts of the collection is planned. The exhibition Reality Revisited and the first book of the five will show a cross-section from the 1970s. Works by Lewis Baltz, Larry Clark, Lee Friedlander, Ralph Gibson, Nan Goldin, Irina Ionesco, Kenneth Josephson, Chris Killip, Eva Klasson, Helen Levitt, Duane Michaels, Bill Owens, Anders Petersen, Melissa Shook, Gunnar Smoliansky, Christer Strömholm, Antanas Sutkus, Arthur Tress and Andy Warhol, among others, will be shown. Boeknummer: 52905 | Prijs: EUR 95.00 In winkelwagen

Anne Morin, Ann Marks, Christa Blümlinger VIVIAN MAIER Thames and Hudson 2022, 2022. 1. Hardcover, 256 pages, ENG, 290 x 225 mm, NEW, 250 pictures in colour and b/w, . ISBN: 9780500025703 A full-career retrospective on the work of Vivian Maier, bringing together a selection of key works from throughout her life and career. When Vivian Maier's archive was discovered in Chicago in 2007, the photography community gained an immense and singular talent. Maier lived in relative obscurity until her death in 2009, but is now the subject of films and books, and recognized as one of the great American photographers of the 20th century. Born in New York in 1926, she worked as a nanny in New York and Chicago for much of her adult life. It was during her years as a nanny that she took many of the photographs that have made her posthumously famous. Maier's incredible body of work consists of more than 150,000 photographic images, Super 8 and 16 mm films, various recordings and a multitude of undeveloped films. Working primarily as a street photographer, Maier's work has been compared with such luminaries as Helen Levitt, Robert Frank, Diane Arbus and Joel Meyerowitz. Drawing on previously unpublished archives and recent scientific analyses, this retrospective sheds new light on Maier's work. With texts by Anne Morin and Christa Blümlinger, this thorough look at Maier's entire archive is organized thematically in sections that cover self-portraits, the street, portraits, gestures, cinematography, children, colour work and forms. A valuable addition to the continuing assessment of Maier's work, this book is a one-volume compendium of her most enduring images. Boeknummer: 59260 | Prijs: EUR 59.95 In winkelwagen

Anne-Marie et Roland Gillion Crowet LADAKH LOINTAIN Mercatorfonds, 2023. 1. Hardcover, 600 pages,Texte en Francais ; 330 x 250 x 45 mm, Nouveau !, illustreé jaquette, 800 illustrations de couleur, . ISBN: 9789462303706 Ce livre conserve la mémoire photographique de trois séjours passés au Ladakh entre 1979 et 1981. À peine les frontières ouvertes, Anne-Marie et Roland Gillion Crowet, entraînant leur fille Nathalie, se sont lancés sur les pistes de ce pays mythique qui mène au « toit du monde ». Les clichés sélectionnées et réunies sont l'ouvre d'une photographe amatrice. Et c'est ce qui en fait des témoignages exceptionnels. Collectionneuse d'art premier, fascinée par les cultures extra-européennes, Anne-Marie Gillion Crowet a fait de ces photographies le théâtre de rencontres exceptionnelles avec les habitants du Ladakh encore attachés à leur traditions séculaires. Pour comprendre ces photographies, Nathalie de Mérode, leur fille qui avait pris part aux trois voyages, s'est immergée dans l'ample documentation consacrée à ce pays des confins. La culture, la religion, la structure sociale, la vie quotidienne et l'histoire sont convoqués pour permettre à chaque lecteur de se transformer en voyageur. Par son texte, dynamique et informé, l'auteure ouvre la porte au lecteur d'une compréhension de ce « Lointain Ladakh ». Boeknummer: 63035 | Prijs: EUR 80.00 In winkelwagen

Annelore Desmet LEAVE THE LIGHT ON : Annelore Desmet Stichting Kunstboek. 1. HB, 380 x 270 mm, 128 p, ENG / NL / FR. edition, Groot Formaat, Paginagrote Foto's in z/w. Mooie Foto's van Mooie vrouwen met Mooie Lingerie !. ISBN: 9789058567079 Fotografe Annelore Desmet heeft zich tijdens de voorbije jaren ontwikkeld tot Belgiës absolute referentie in kunstfotografie in boudoirstijl. Tientallen dames schonken haar in de afgelopen het vertrouwen om te figureren in hun eigen glamoureuze fotoshoot op een droomlocatie. Haar kunstzinnige approach, eindeloze verbeelding en zeldzaam perfectionisme zorgen voor prachtige beelden. Haar werk vormt zonder meer een nieuwe maatstaf voor boudoirfotografie en is steeds vaker te bewonderen in galeries en op kunstbeurzen. Boeknummer: 62401 | Prijs: EUR 79.00 In winkelwagen

Annie Leibovitz, Steve Martin, Graydon Carter, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Paul Roth Annie Leibovitz XXL Taschen, 2022. Hardcover in slipcase, 27.1 x 37.4 cm, 5.80 kg, 556 pages XXL -ENGLISH text. ISBN: 9783836582186 When Benedikt Taschen asked the most important portrait photographer working today, Annie Leibovitz, to collect her pictures in a SUMO-sized book, she was intrigued by the challenge. The project took several years to develop and when it was finally published in 2014, it weighed in at 26 kg (57 pounds). This incredible collection is now available in an accessible XXL book format. Leibovitz drew on more than 40 years of work, starting with the photojournalism she did for Rolling Stone magazine in the 1970s through the conceptual portraits she made for Vanity Fair and Vogue. She selected iconic images-such as John Lennon and Yoko Ono entwined in a last embrace-as well as portraits that had rarely, if ever, been seen before. The Annie Leibovitz SUMO covered political and cultural history, from Queen Elizabeth II and Richard Nixon to Laurie Anderson and Lady Gaga. What I had thought of initially as a simple process of imagining what looked good big, what photographs would work in a large format, became something else, Leibovitz says. The book is very personal, but the narrative is told through popular culture. It's not arranged chronologically and it's not a retrospective. It's more like a roller coaster. Fans of Leibovitz and her many celebrated subjects can now enjoy that same roller coaster ride for themselves with this unlimited edition. Boeknummer: 60058 | Prijs: EUR 125.00 In winkelwagen

Annie van Gemert Schooluniformen Van Halewijck / Annie Van Hemert, 2013. 1. Hardcover, 224 pagina's, NL, 305 x 245 mm, na bijna 10 jr nog in nieuwstaat, met veel duidelijke foto's in kleur en z/w, van de bekendste scholen in Aartselaar , Antwerpen, Berchem, Bredene, Gent, Kortemark en Melle, foto's genomen tussen 2009-2013, Nostalgisch, ISBN: 9789080695863 In het fotoboek Schooluniformen. Onderwijs in Vlaanderen komen verschillende scholen in beeld: van openbaar tot privé, van Montessori-onderwijs, tot visserijschool, tot en met internaten. In de begeleidende tekst vertellen leraren, schooldirecties en kinderen over hun visie op het schooluniform, en delen schooldirecties hun ervaringen met het gemengd (jongens en meisjes) en multicultureel onderwijs. Annie van Gemert is gespecialiseerd in interieurs, portretten en geënsceneerde documentaire fotografie. Zij studeerde in 1990 af op de AKI in Enschede richting Fotografie. Portretten en interieurs spelen een belangrijke rol in de foto?s. Eerdere foto-uitgaven van haar zijn: Uniformiteit - Meisjesinternaten in Vlaanderen (1997); Kinderrijk - Grote gezinnen in Nederland en Vlaanderen (2002); Een zomer aan zee (2003); Kloosterlingen (2006) en Jongens en Meisjes (2009). Onder andere voor dit laatste boek ontving zij in 2010 de 2e prijs in de World Press Photo in de categorie portretten. Boeknummer: 59777 | Prijs: EUR 29.50 In winkelwagen

ANTHIERENS, Karel ( inl. ); HERMAN SELLESLAGS FOTO'S - PHOTOS, Gent, Masereelfonds, 1982. Gebonden, geillustreerde foto-kartonomslag, 205 x 310mm., inleiding gevolgd door 90 z/w foto's. ISBN: 9789064170669 Neerslag van impressies die auteur en fotograaf opdeden in de jaren '50-'60. Het boek is in prima staat. Boeknummer: 24830 | Prijs: EUR 18.00 In winkelwagen

Anthony DeCurtis ; Laura Tam POP : SIXTIES : Magnum Photos Abrams, 2008. 1. Hardcover, 192 pages, ENG, 270 x 230 x 20 mm, dustjacket, in New condition, photographs in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9780810995260 Culled from the archives of Magnum Photos, the world?s preeminent photo agency, Pop 60s celebrates the visionaries, icons, and memorable moments of the decade that transformed the fabric of American life. From Andy Warhol, Twiggy, and James Bond to Beatlemania, biker culture, and geodesic domes, the reverberations of the Swinging Sixties are felt in today?s art, music, design, and fashion. Boeknummer: 60588 | Prijs: EUR 25.00 In winkelwagen

Anton Corbijn ANTON CORBIJN. MOODE / MODE Hannibal Publishing, 2020. Gebonden, Hardcover, 314 x 264 mm, 240 pages, ENG/ NL edition. ISBN: 9789463887373 In MOØDE, leading international photographer and film-maker Anton Corbijn presents images from his extensive body of work in which he explores the crossover between photography and the world of fashion - in the broadest sense of the word. Corbijn's portraits of figures such as Alexander McQueen, Tom Waits and Naomi Campbell have now achieved iconic status. As visual director behind Depeche Mode and through his decadeslong collaboration with U2 and others, he has made his mark on the way we look at an important aspect of contemporary culture. With MOØDE, Anton Corbijn shows that fashion is everywhere. The book features more than a hundred images and collaborations from Corbijn's rich oeuvre, many of them never seen before. The work's world première will be in Knokke-Heist, running from 4 April to 5 July 2020. In MOØDe presenteert de internationaal toonaangevende fotograaf en filmmaker Anton Corbijn beelden uit zijn rijke oeuvre waarin hij de cross-over tussen de fotografie en de modewereld opzoekt. Daarmee omarmt hij de term 'mode' in de ruimste zin. De portretten die Corbijn maakte van onder anderen Alexander McQueen, Tom Waits, Kate Moss, Björk en Clint Eastwood hebben een iconische status verworven. Als visual director achter Depeche Mode en door zijn decennialange samenwerking met onder meer U2 heeft hij een stempel gedrukt op hoe wij naar een belangrijk stuk hedendaagse cultuur kijken. Met MOØDe bewijst Anton Corbijn dat mode overal is. Dit boek toont meer dan honderdvijftig beelden en samenwerkingen uit Corbijns oeuvre, waarvan vele voor het eerst worden gepubliceerd. Karen Van Godtsenhoven, associate curator van The Costume Institute van het Metropolitan Museum of Art, schreef een tekstbijdrage. Boek bij de gelijknamige tentoonstelling in Cultuurcentrum Scharpoord, Knokke-Heist, van 26 september 2020 tot 10 januari 2021. Boeknummer: 54148 | Prijs: EUR 59.99 In winkelwagen

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