108 books found
Alessandra Nappo, Hanne Loreck, Katharina Massing et al.
Cindy Sherman Anti-Fashion
Hannibal Books, 2024. HB, 295 x 230 mm, 184 pages, Color illustrations, ENG-NL edition. ISBN: 9789464941326
Een spiegel op mode en massamedia in ijzersterk fotografisch werk van Cindy Sherman. Het boek bij de eerste Cindy Shermantentoonstelling in de Lage Landen Cindy Sherman (°1954) staat bekend om haar baanbrekend werk in fotografie. Ze verkent thema?s als identiteit, gender en sociale rollen door zichzelf te transformeren in uiteenlopende personages en scènes. Anti-Fashion belicht haar fotografisch werk vanuit een nieuw perspectief, waarbij de focus ligt op de wisselwerking tussen mode en kunst. Haar vele opdrachten voor magazines als Vogue en Harper?sBazaar en haar nauwe samenwerking met beroemde ontwerpers vormen een voortdurende bron van inspiratie. Maar ook omgekeerd beïnvloedt deze hedendaagse kunstenaar de modewereld en geeft ze er belangrijke impulsen aan. Shermans interesse in mode komt op een subversieve manier tot uiting: haar foto?s tonen figuren die allesbehalve aantrekkelijk zijn en daardoor alle conventies van haute couture en de gebruikelijke voorstellingen van schoonheid tegenspreken. Het brede spectrum aan personages toont het kunstmatige en veranderlijke van identiteit, die meer dan ooit een kwestie van keuze lijken te zijn, (zelf)geconstrueerd en fluïde. Deze publicatie verschijnt bij de tentoonstelling Cindy Sherman, die loopt van 28 september 2024 tot 2 februari 2025 in FOMU, Antwerpen.
Booknumber: 64821 | Price: EUR 59.00
Alessandra Nappo, Hanne Loreck, Katharina Massing et al.
Cindy Sherman Anti-Fashion
Hannibal Books, 2024. HB, 295 x 230 mm, 184 pages, Color illustrations, ENG-NL edition. ISBN: 9789464941326
A mirror on fashion and mass media in a powerful photographic work by Cindy Sherman. The book accompanying the first Cindy Sherman exhibition in the Low Countries Cindy Sherman (b. 1954) is known for her pioneering work in photography, through which she explores themes of identity, gender and social roles by transforming herself into different personas in a variety of staged scenes. Anti-Fashion approaches her photographic oeuvre from a new perspective, focusing on the interaction between fashion and art. She uses her many commissions for magazines such as Vogue and Harper's Bazaar and her close collaboration with famous designers as a constant source of inspiration. Conversely, this contemporary artist also continues to influence the aesthetics of the fashion world today, providing essential impulses. Sherman expresses her interest in fashion in a subversive way: her photographs depict people that are anything but desirable, contradicting all conventions of haute couture and the usual representations of beauty. Her wide range of characters shows the artificiality and mutability of identity, which seems more selectable, (self-) constructed and fluid than ever before. Companion publication to the exhibition Cindy Sherman at FOMU (Fotomuseum Antwerpen) from 28 September 2024 until 2 February 2025.
Booknumber: 64822 | Price: EUR 59.00
Alix Browne e.a. / An Vandevorst en Filip Arickx.
A.F. Vandevorst Ende Neu. Mode.
Hannibal Kannibaal, 2018. Hardback, 280x200mm, 592 pages Illustrated. English edition. ***VERY Fine ! ISBN: 9789492677259
Voor het eerst in twintig jaar brengen An Vandevorst en Filip Arickx, samen het ontwerpersduo A.F. Vandevorst, een overzichtsboek uit dat een bijzondere inkijk biedt in hun opwindende universum. Leder, fetisj en strakke uniformen, maar ook kitsch, kunst en sensuele plooien? De wereld van A.F. Vandevorst is eindeloos rijk. In 1987 ontmoeten An Vandevorst en Filip Arickx elkaar op de Antwerpse Academie voor Schone Kunsten. Tien jaar later richten ze hun eigen modelabel op en tonen ze hun eerste collectie in Parijs. Nauw verwant aan de Antwerpse Zes groeiden ze intussen uit tot Belgies meest edgy designerduo met internationale erkenning tot in Rusland en werkten ze samen met de groten der aarde, onder wie de flamboyante hoedenontwerper Stephen Jones. De esthetiek van A.F. Vandevorst is het resultaat van hun sterke liefde voor de beeldende kunst, muziek en literatuur en hun grote interesse in culturele archetypes. Dit boek focust op hun uiteenlopende inspiratiebronnen, zoals Joseph Beuys, de militaire en medische wereld, het uniform en Japan. Ook de invloed van muzikant Blixa Bargeld (Einsturzende Neubauten/Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds) is sterk aanwezig in hun artistieke filosofie. Op een intuitieve manier biedt deze publicatie een bijzonder inspirerende blik op de fascinerende wereld van A.F. Vandevorst. Laat u onderdompelen in twintig jaar grenzeloze passie voor mode en kunst. A fascinating insight into the stimulating universe of Belgium's cult fashion designer duo A.F.Vandevorst. A universe of fetishes, fur, leather, sensual folds and tight straitjackets? That is what Belgian fashion designers A.F.Vandevorst stand for. This publication celebrates their twentieth anniversary. An Vandevorst and Filip Arickx met in 1987, on their first day of school at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. Ten years later, they set up their company Blixa and presented their first collection as A.F.Vandevorst in Paris. They have collaborated with such people as the flamboyant and worldfamous hat designer Stephen Jones and have grown to become one of Belgium's most edgy cult designers, closely connected to the Antwerp Six (Dries Van Noten, Ann Demeulemeester, Walter Van Beirendonck). A.F.Vandevorst's aesthetics are the result of their strong love for the visual arts, music and literature and of their great interest in cultural archetypes. This book focuses on their diverse inspirations, including Joseph Beuys, the military and the medical scene, and other artists An and Filip feel strongly connected to. Among them is Blixa Bargeld (Einstu?rzende Neubauten), who was the sourceof their first company's name and has been a big inspiration ever since. This book gives an intimate, very exciting and stimulating insight into the fascinating world of A.F.Vandevorst. Be inspired by twenty years of limitless passion for fashion. With an introduction by Alix Browne and contributions by a.o. Dries Van Noten, Dirk Braeckman, Tim Blanks, Blixa Bargeld, Hannelore Knuts, Sally Singer, Linda Loppa, Suzy Menkes.
Booknumber: 51041 | Price: EUR 39.99
Antoine De Moor, Cäcilia Fluck, Petra Lischeid
DRESS : Continuity and Change in Egypt in the 1st millennium AD
Hannibal Books, 2023. 1. HB, 240 pag. ENG. edition, 290 x 250 mm, NEW, dustjacket, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9789464666731
Due to the dry climate, Egypt has preserved an exceptionally rich heritage of ancient textiles. Since 1996, the international study group Textiles from the Nile Valley has been conducting research into these Roman, Byzantine and early Islamic textile finds, many of which found their way into European and North American museum collections. The study group, consisting of curators, archaeologists, textile restorers and scientists, organizes a biennial conference at Katoen Natie's headquarters in Antwerp and publishes a series of unique books on the importance of Egyptian textiles. This new volume brings together the findings of the Twelfth Congress, which took place from November 12 to 14, 2021. The focus is on textiles from the Nile Valley, in particular the tunic as evidence of social changes in Late Antique and Early Islamic period of time. Liturgical clothing, early Islamic children's clothing and head coverings are also discussed in detail. Publication following the international scientific conference Textiles from the Nile Valley on November 18 and 19, 2023 in Antwerp.
Booknumber: 62631 | Price: EUR 59.95
Azzedine Alaïa
ALAÏA Azzedine Alaïa in de 21ste Eeuw.
Groninger Museum, 2012. HB, 354 x 275 mm, 224 pages, throughout colour illustrations. NL edition. nieuwstaat! ISBN: 9789085866206
In het Groninger Museum zal dit najaar een expositie te zien zijn van de werken die couturier Azzedine Alaïa het afgelopen decennium gemaakt heeft. Alaïa werd geboren op 7 juni 1940 in Siliana in Tunesië. Sinds 1957 is hij actief met het ontwerpen van kleding. Vanaf de tachtiger jaren is hij erg bekend. Sterren als Naomi Campbell, Madonna, Shakira, Tina Turner en Michelle Obama dragen zijn kleding. Op de tentoonstelling zullen creaties te zien zijn die hij de afgelopen tien jaar heeft vervaardigd. Het is niet de eerste keer dat het Groninger Museum aandacht besteedt aan de werken van Alaïa. In 1998 werd er ook al eens een overzichtstentoonstelling rondom de mode-ontwerper gepresenteerd. From 11 December 2011 to 6 May 2012, the Groninger Museum will present the exhibition entitled Azzedine Ala?a 2001 - 2011. This exhibition displays the most fantastic Alaïa fashion creations of the last ten years. Alaïa is one of the last major couturiers still active. His range of clothing has received great acclaim from celebrities such as Naomi Campbell, Stephanie Seymour, Victoria Beckham, Shakira and Michelle Obama. The exhibition is a follow-on to the overview of his work shown in the Groninger Museum in 1998, which was subsequently displayed at the Brandt Foundation in New York in 2002. Tunisian-born Azzedine Alaïa is one of the most important fashion designers of the last decades. The name Alaïa stands for glamour, sensuality, style, cut, self-confidence, comfort and, of course, sex appeal. His tight dresses embrace the bodies of the world's most seductive and successful women, from Tina Turner and Michelle Obama to Madonna.
Booknumber: 55194 | Price: EUR 39.50
Caroline Rennolds Milbank ; David Corio ; Harriet Whelchel
The Couture Accessory
Harry N. Abrams, 2002. 1. Hardcover, 192 pages, ENG, 275 x 250 x 22 mm, dustjacket, book is in New condition, illustrated in bright colours. ISBN: 9780810935341
Accessories created by the great designers provide not only enormous pleasure but also offer a crystallized image of their creator's vision. This volume celebrates the visionary hats, bags, shoes, belts, scarves, gloves and jewels fashioned by deigners of the 20th century, beginning with Poiret, Vionnet, Chanel and Schiaparelli and continuing through to Azzedine Alaia, Jean Paul Gaultier, Moschino and Vivienne Westwood
Booknumber: 60586 | Price: EUR 35.00
Charles Miers / Cathleen Naundorf
Women of Singular Beauty Chanel Haute Couture by Cathleen Naundorf
Rizzoli, 2018. Hard Hardcover with dusjacket, 208 pages, very richly illustrated with coloured illustrations, . ISBN: 9780847863488
A spellbinding journey into the world of Chanel haute couture, captured by one of fashion's most acclaimed photographers. In exclusive shoots with the house of Chanel, photographer Cathleen Naundorf gained rare access to their haute couture collections--which entail thousands of hours of handwork, crafting, and embellishing. The result: a book of ethereal, cinematic photographs of gowns against theatrical backdrops that capture the ensembles' exquisiteness and the magical allure of haute couture. This is what sartorial dreams are made of. For more than two decades, Naundorf has used her expert photographic skills to pay homage to the haute couture aesthetic. Combining her experiences in travel, art, and photojournalism, Naundorf elaborately arranges each detail of her images using storyboards and extensively researches the lighting for every image. Captured with analogue large-format cameras, each photograph is a singular vision suggesting romance, surrealism, exoticism, and above all else, fantasy.
Booknumber: 65637 | Price: EUR 64.99
Snoeck Publishers (France), 2022. 1. HB, 300 x 255 mm, ENG. edition, 304 p, NEW, 300 illustrations in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9789461616869
Explore the exquisite collections of fashion label Lecoanet Hemant Lecoanet Hemant (founded in 1981) is a fashion label, founded by Didier Lecoanet and Hemant Sagar. The label initially was based in Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris and focussed only on haute couture designs. However, the label has transitioned the focus to ready-to-wear and has moved their base to Gurugram, India. Hemant and Lecoanet met in Paris, France, at the Ecole de la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne. Both of them were learning Haute Couture at that time and decided to launch something together. They started a store in Paris and were one amongst only 24 Haute Couture Houses. They eventually became a part of the Haute Couture Club and also joined Syndicat as a member.They presented their collections in various international events and later decided to move to India to launch two new brands namely GENES and Ayurganic.
Booknumber: 62705 | Price: EUR 45.00
Self Service 48: Changing Times
Paris, Self Service, 2018. hardcover, 420 pages, 23 x 31 cm. ISBN: 725274574346
Self Service 48 includes fashion photography by Edwina Preston, Ezra Petronio and Nigel Shafranwith Melanie Ward, and features Christopher Michael, Naomi Rapace, Harriet Quick, Nadja Auermann and many more. With an homage to Azzedine Alaïa curated by Joe Mckenna
Booknumber: 65381 | Price: EUR 40.00
Se vêtir sous la Révolution française (1789-1804) Comment m'habillerai-je?
Snoeck Publishers, 2024. softcover 160 pages, illustré, 25x19.7cm. ISBN: 9789461619136
Dans la société française de la fin du XVIIIe siècle, marquée par la culture des apparences, dans quelle mesure la rupture que constitue la Révolution française se reflète-t-elle dans la manière de se vêtir? L'exposition se propose de répondre à cette question en présentant textes, objets et iconographie. Une large place est faite à l'estampe, médium de diffusion par excellence des modes, des symboles politiques et des idées. 1 - le vêtement, marqueur social? Dans l'iconographie de la période, le mélan
Booknumber: 64098 | Price: EUR 30.00
Darla-Jane Gilroy
Welbeck, 2021. 1. Hardcover, 160 pages, ENG, 185 x 130 mm, NEW, illustrations in bright colours. ISBN: 9781787397392
Among designers of luxury shoes, there is one whose designs are instantly recognizable: Christian Louboutin. His iconic red soles can be seen everywhere from the red carpet, the silver screen and the catwalk to city streets around the world. From his early life in Paris to the founding of his first store in 1992, and from the red carpet to his global domination of the luxury shoe market, Little Book of Christian Louboutin charts the rise of the world's most celebrated shoe designer. Images of his designs past and present are accompanied by captivating text, describing the rise and rise of the king of shoe design.
Booknumber: 59457 | Price: EUR 17.50
Emma Baxter-Wright
Welbeck, 2022. 1. Hardcover, 160 pages, ENG, 185 x 130 mm, New, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9781780979021
This monograph on Coco Chanel chronicles the life and legacy of one of history's most influential couturiers. From her early days of millinery, through her revolutionary inventions in sportswear and jersey fashions for women, the classics that have made her name, such as the Chanel cardigan jacket and the little black dress, to the global empire of the brand under the helm of Karl Lagerfeld, this beautifully illustrated book offers a fascinating account of Chanel's evolution and innovation. Detailed photographs and sketches of her designs, along with fashion photography and catwalk shots, pay tribute to one of the world's most highly regarded fashion houses and the woman behind it.
Booknumber: 60295 | Price: EUR 17.50
Emma Baxter-Wright
Welbeck, 2022. 1. Hardcover , ENG, 185 x 130 mm, NEW, illustrated in colour. ISBN: 9781802790160
The House of Chanel is synonymous with not one, but two, iconic designers. First there was Gabrielle, and then there was Karl. Chanel is a house known for its signatures that not only changed the course of fashion history but still resonate today - the Little Black Dress, the tweed suit, costume jewellery, Chanel No5. These signatures were inspired by Gabrielle Chanel's taste, life experience and travels - but it was Karl Lagerfeld who took these signatures and ingeniously adapted them for the twenty-first century woman. From his first days at the helm of Chanel in the 1980s, to his creative application of the Chanel logo to everything from biker boots to a space rocket, King Karl's reign at Chanel is nothing if not legendary. Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld covers his most exquisite pieces, breathtaking catwalk shows and constant reinvention that have maintained Chanel as the most illustrious couture house in the world. Written by the bestselling author of Little Book of Chanel, this beautifully illustrated book is the essential guide to Lagerfeld's tenure at Chanel.
Booknumber: 60353 | Price: EUR 17.50
Emma Baxter-Wright
Welbeck, 2021. 1. Hardcover, 160 pages, ENG, 185 x 130 mm, New, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9781787398283
Little Book of Schiaparelli chronicles the work of one of history's most influential and eccentric couturiers. Endowed with a strikingly imaginative and experimental approach to fashion, Elsa Schiaparelli cultivated a combination of the witty and the surreal, the cutting edge and the elegant, from her garments and jewellery to her collaborations with Salvador Dalí, Jean Cocteau and Alberto Giacometti. Exquisitely illustrated and expertly written, the book follows a biographical chronology detailing her life, career and primary creative themes of her work. Images of Schiaparelli's finished designs, along with close-up details and illustrations of her personal sketches, showcase the brilliance of her innovative oeuvre, and the legacy that lives on in the House of Schiaparelli to this day.
Booknumber: 60296 | Price: EUR 17.50
Emma Baxter-Wright
Welbeck, 2021. 1. Hardcover, 160 pages, ENG, 185 x 130 mm, New , illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9781787395541
Little Book of Yves Saint Laurent is the pocket-sized and exquisitely illustrated story of 60 years of innovative fashion design. An enigmatic, daring and astonishingly creative designer, Yves Saint Laurent is credited with the elevation of haute couture to fine art, turning the fashion show into a spectacle of breathtaking proportions, and revolutionizing the gendered norms of womenswear. Describing Saint Laurent's beginnings in Algeria as a precocious boy making miniature garments from fabric scraps, Little Book of Yves Saint Laurent depicts, in beautiful photographs and insightful text, the designer's ascent from fashion student to the right-hand of Christian Dior. Going on to found his own fashion house in 1961, Saint Laurent created his famous 'le smoking' trouser suit, brought the leather jacket to the mainstream and astounded the fashion world with his blend of elegance and artistic drama. Little Book of Yves Saint Laurent is a stylish gift for any lover of fashion.
Booknumber: 60290 | Price: EUR 17.50
Emmanuelle Dirix
Welbeck, 2022. 1. Hardcover, 160 pages, ENG, 185 x 130 mm, NEW, with photos/illustrations in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9781787398306
The godfather of conceptual design, a master of shape, a true fashion game changer - all are accolades bestowed upon one of the most interesting, venerated and iconic couturiers of the twentieth century: Cristóbal Balenciaga. His pureness of line, the comfort of his garments and innovative work with textiles, colour and volume made a huge impact on twentieth-century fashion, with creations such as the babydoll, balloon and sack dresses still influencing fashion today. Through stunning images and captivating text, Little Book of Balenciaga depicts the work and life of Balenciaga the couturier. Fashion historian Emmanuelle Dirix examines his legacy both through tracing the Maison's artistic direction after his death, and the generations of designers influenced by the master himself.
Booknumber: 59622 | Price: EUR 18.50
Fabienne Reybaud
Thames and Hudson, 2022. 1. Hardcover, 272 pages, ENG, 320 x 240 mm, NEW, dustjacket, with over 350 illustrations in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9780500025864
A stylish and beautifully crafted celebration of LV's Tambour watch, a masterpiece of modern design and technical innovation. This meticulously crafted and stylish celebration of Tambour, Louis Vuitton's line of modern luxury watches, marks the 20th anniversary of its creation. The first Tambour model launched in Japan in 2002 and became an instant classic, with its signature drum-shaped case (tambour is French for 'drum'), superb Swiss engineering and innovative, uncompromising aesthetic. The line now includes specialist designs for sport, sailing and diving, the urban-chic Street Diver, the high-tech Tambour Horizon smartwatch, creative reinventions of the LV Monogram and collaborations with contemporary artists such as Yayoi Kusama and Takashi Murakami. Essays by journalist and luxury watch expert Fabienne Reybaud explore the creative origins of the Tambour design and the history of LV watches, along with the precision work of the Geneva watchmakers behind the brand's reputation for excellence. A Catalogue Raisonné of all Tambour models and exclusive interviews with leading watch connoisseurs make this a useful resource for collectors. With more than 400 illustrations and a lavish design, this book is a beautiful collector's object in its own right, for all lovers of luxury accessories and the LV lifestyle.
Booknumber: 59451 | Price: EUR 140.00
Federico Poletti
MR&MRS CLARK : Ossie Clark and Celia Birtwell. Fashion and print 1965-1974
Silvana Editoriale, 2023. 1. HB, 290 x 240 mm, 216 p, 200 Coloured illustr. , ENG / ITA , . ISBN: 9788836653768
The catalogue pays homage to an iconic "fashion duo", Ossie Clark and Celia Birtwell, two English creatives whose short but very intense artistic and personal partnership gave rise to an unmistakable style that left its mark in London during the period between Mary Quant's miniskirt and the subversive punk movement of Malcolm MacLaren and Vivienne Westwood, from 1965 to 1974. Ossie and Celia is the story of a special alchemy, one of the first artistic couples in which a designer and a fabric designer worked together to complete each other in total harmony, up until their separation in 1973. Celia created wonderful prints inspired by nature and the different artistic currents that Ossie, with his skill in cutting and modelling, transformed into sensual and feminine clothes. This also thanks to the lightness of the fabrics such as crepes, silks and chiffons that conquered the international jet-set and the music scene of the time. From Brigitte Bardot to Liz Taylor, up to Verushka, everyone was fascinated by their fashion. Mick Jagger, Brian Jones, Keith Richards, Jimi Hendrix, Marianne Faithfull, Anita Pallenberg, Eric Clapton, George Harrison, Bianca Jagger and Marisa Berenson are just some of the people that Ossie Clark dressed. Starting with a first important nucleus of clothes from the archive of MassimoCantini Parrini, then enriched with further loans from the American collection of Lauren Lepire and from the London archives of the Clark family and Celia Birtwell herself, the exhibition recounts the context and evolution of the two artists with clothes, fabrics, unseen sketches, videos, photos and vintage editorials.
Booknumber: 61008 | Price: EUR 39.95
Florschütz, Inez
Step by Step Schuhdesign im Wandel (Shoe Design through the Ages)
Arnoldsche Art Publishers, 2020. Softcover, 352 pages, illustrated, Text in German. ISBN: 9783897905818
In the publication Step by Step. Schuhdesign im Wandel (Shoe Design in Flux), the Deutsches Ledermuseum in Offenbach am Main presents exceptional designs from its extensive shoe collection of over 10,000 objects that demonstrate how our shoes reflect our culture.
Booknumber: 53300 | Price: EUR 39.90
Frances Solá-Santiago
THE LITTLE BOOK OF BOTTEGA VENETA : The Story of the Iconic Design House
Welbeck, 2024. 1. HB, 180 x 125 mm, ENG. edition, 160 p. NEW. illustrated in colors. ISBN: 9781802796421
Synonymous with fine craftsmanship and understated elegance, the House of Bottega Veneta is the go-to brand for those who love effortless chic. Since 1966, Bottega Veneta has stood out from the crowd, unique in its blend of timeless sophistication and contemporary edge. Known for the distinctive Intrecciato woven design and statement green, this Milan-based luxury brand is renowned for beautifully crafted leather goods such as the Cabat, Veneta, and iconic clutch Knot bags and increasingly famous footwear and jewellery collections. Cultural relevance remains at the heart of this ultra-cool brand with the likes of Nicole Kidman, Cameron Diaz and Rihanna seen in exquisite hand-finished dresses, oversized clutches and quilted shoes. Under Creative Director, Matthiew Blazy, there's no denying that Bottega Veneta is one of the most exciting brands in the fashion world.
Booknumber: 63254 | Price: EUR 20.50
Frank Geudens / Angelo Figus
GenovanversaeviceversA vormgever/modeontwerper Angelo Figus
Ghent, Snoeck-Ducaju, 2003. Hardcover, 95pp., 25x34.5cm., rijkelijk geillustr. in kleur, nieuw. Text in english. ISBN: 9789053494714
Catalogus Modemuseum Antwerpen, in het kader van Europalia.italia.
Booknumber: 36635 | Price: EUR 33.00
Glenys Johnson
ICONS OF STYLE: TAYLOR SWIFT : The Story of a Fashion Icon
Welbeck, 2024. 1. HB, 194 x 140 mm, 224 p, EN edition, NEW, fully illustrated in color. ISBN: 9781802798364
Global sensation. Pop icon. Fashion star. Taylor Swift's pop culture reign shows no sign of slowing. From her humble beginnings as a teenage country singer to her record-breaking Eras stadium tour, Taylor Swift's mastery as a musician is beyond question. But less spoken about is her command of visuals and aesthetics to round out her musical visions. From the romantic, sweeping silhouettes of her Speak Now era to the punky, brooding looks she rocked during Reputation, Taylor's ability to create whole worlds - rooted in fashion - around each of her albums is electric. With this beautiful guide to her style trajectory, key looks and signature pieces, dive into the stunning world of Taylor Swift's style. A fun and complete guide to a modern-day icon's signature style.
Booknumber: 63867 | Price: EUR 21.95
Grace Johnston (ed.)
Kris Van Assche 55 collections(EN)
Lannoo, 2023. 1. Hardback, 432 pages, ENG, 370 x 260 x 30 mm, NEW, illustrated dustjacket, foto's / illustrations in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9789401495691
Een visueel overzichtswerk dat op een unieke manier Kris Van Assches betekenis voor de modewereld als Creative Director schetst Na 20 jaar in de modewereld, als Creative Director van Dior Homme, Berluti en zijn eigen label, kijkt Kris Van Assche terug op zijn output: 55 collecties, talloze samenwerkingen met gerenommeerde artiesten wereldwijd en een constant oeuvre dat zijn persoonlijkheid reflecteert. Vormgegeven door het illustere bureau M/M (Paris), is Kris Van Assche: 55 Collections een uniek en compleet visueel overzichtswerk. Met een voorwoord door Anders Christian Madsen en bijdragen van een aantal sleutelfiguren uit Van Assches carrière.
Booknumber: 62398 | Price: EUR 80.00
Heide Christiansen & Martin Fraas
THE BLACK BOOK : Fashion, Styles & Stories
TeNeues, 2024. 1. HB, 300 x 235 mm, 208 p, 180 illustrations in color ; EN-GE edition, . ISBN: 9783961715619
"Black isn't a colour"? In the world of coveted fashion brands, it certainly is, and one of the most crucial at that. That's why authors Heide Christiansen and Martin Fraas have dedicated the second installment of their Fashion, Styles & Stories series to the theme of black. In The Black Book: Fashion, Styles & Stories, they showcase how expressive and powerful this colour can be in the context of fashion. Black caresses, exudes elegance, and simultaneously embodies rebellion. The black sheath dress harmoniously coexists with the black biker jacket, demonstrating the versatility of this colour. Through captivating fashion photographs straight from the runways of top designers, Christiansen and Fraas explore various shades of the black look, providing readers with intriguing background stories. They present black as the underlying theme in haute couture, high fashion, and street style. Diversity and inspiration take centre stage in this coffee table book. Exploring The Black Book becomes a true delight and a must for any fashion enthusiast. However, The Black Book: Fashion, Styles & Stories is not only a treat for fashion aficionados. Anyone seeking an exceptionally beautiful coffee table book should take a closer look. Because 'Black' captivates with a particularly high-quality visual and tactile experience. This is a book not only to be looked at with pleasure but also to be held, a jewel in any home. For those in search of a uniquely fresh fashion book that creatively engages with current brands and has the potential to become a classic, The Black Book: Fashion, Styles & Stories is a must-read.
Booknumber: 63775 | Price: EUR 60.00
Heide Christiansen & Martin Fraas
THE PINK BOOK : Fashion, Styles & Stories
TeNeues, 2024. 1. HB, 300 x 235 mm, 208 p, 180 illustrations in color, EN-GE edition. ISBN: 9783961715626
The Pink Book: Fashion, Styles & Stories is a dedicated series that comprehensively explores one of the most important themes in the fashion industry: colours. As the title suggests, this book focuses on all shades of pink, from vibrant fuchsia to delicate rose. The two authors, Heide Christiansen and Martin Fraas, showcase the power and allure that pink embodies through captivating runway shots. These dynamic fashion photographs were captured at major haute couture shows by renowned designers and brands like Dior, Chanel, and Gucci, or emerged as street style photography from the bustling life of a metropolis. Christiansen and Fraas not only provide impressive visuals but also narrate intriguing backstories. The significance of the colour pink becomes the central theme around which an entire world of images and stories is constructed. Any fashion enthusiast will be thrilled by this unique coffee table book. It serves as an inspiration for those passionate about fashion brands, high fashion, and the runways of the fashion industry. With its luxurious presentation and exquisite tactile quality, The Pink Book: Fashion, Styles & Stories almost becomes a fashion item itself. It is suitable as an upscale gift or a standout piece for any home library.
Booknumber: 63776 | Price: EUR 60.00
Helena Matheopoulos.
Fashion Designers at the Opera.
UK, Thames and Hudson, 2011. Hardback, 310x250mm, 192p, 195 colour illustrations, 7 bw illustrations, English edition. New. ISBN: 9780500515761
Fashion and opera are natural arenas for collaboration. In 2009-2010 alone, Viktor and Rolf, Miuccia Prada, Emmanuel Ungaro and Christian Lacroix made successful sorties as costumers for operas in New York, Baden-Baden, Naples and Berlin. This partnership is a fruitful one: the most theatrical of arts inspires the most visionary fashion designers to create extraordinary costumes for extraordinary productions. This book profiles ten leading figures in the world of fashion, together with illustrations of their costume designs. Guaranteed to appeal to opera fans as well as fashionistas, this glorious book applauds the awe-inspiring achievements of couturiers-turned-costume designers
Booknumber: 37934 | Price: EUR 49.95
Ingried Brugger / Paul Clinton
The Cindy Sherman Effect
Identity & Transformation in Contemporary Art
Schirmer/Mosel Verlag Gmbh, 2020. hardcover, dusjacket, 172 pages, Illustrated. 28cm. ENG. FINe. ISBN: 9783829608909
Since the 1970s Cindy Sherman (born in Glen Ridge, NJ, in 1954) has caused a stir in the art world with her photographic self-stagings. From the beginning, Schirmer/Mosel has accompanied her rise to international fame that started with her famous series Untitled Film Stills. In 1982 we published the first of eight books of her work to date. Neither her subjects nor her artistic realization - acting as the director, photographer, and performer of her motifs - have lost their relevance to this day. Quite the contrary: her multilayered examination of themes of identity and social clichés are hot topics in our age of increasingly public gender and transgender discussions. Entitled The Cindy Sherman Effect, an exhibition organized by Kunstforum Wien explores the influence of Cindy Sherman's work on artists such as Sophie Calle, Pipilotti Rist, Sarah Lucas, Gillian Wearing, Candice Breitz, Zanele Muholi, Markus Schinwald, Douglas Gordon, Samuel Fosso and many more.
Booknumber: 64906 | Price: EUR 25.00
Iris van Herpen
Iris van Herpen : Sculpting the Senses : Eerbetoon aan de belangrijkste modeontwerper uit Nederland.
Lannoo, 2023. 1. Hardcover, 256 pages, ENG. edition, 335 x 255 mm, NEW, illustrations / images in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9789401496063
Sculpting the Senses offers an overview of Iris van Herpen's work over the past 16 years. It not only shows the most iconic designs, but also explores her future-oriented vision of fashion on a deeper level. Based on 100 dresses, it becomes clear how much the designer challenges our vision of 'Haute Couture'. This book immerses you in van Herpen's sensory universe and unites fashion, contemporary art, design and science through nine themes that together form the essence of van Herpen's work.
Booknumber: 62657 | Price: EUR 65.00
Jean-Pascal Hesse, Pierre Pelegry
Pierre Cardin : Making Fashion Modern : Préface : Jean Paul Gaultier
Flammarion, 2022. 1. Hardcover, 256 pages, ENG, 280 x 205 mm, Nouveau, images / illustrations in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9782080281890
Longtime collaborators of Pierre Cardin, Jean-Pascal Hesse and Pierre Pelegry share their intimate knowledge of the fashion designer's early career in Paris. They analyze the influences that inspired him to conceive not only some of the most iconic haute couture creations of the 1950s and 1960s, but also the space-ageinflected Cosmocorps collection, which presciently explored gender fluidity. By drawing upon sources that have been assembled over more than two decades?from Cardin's personal recollections to many exclusive photographs by Yoshi Takata and Roland de Vassal'this book pays tribute to the modernity of a visionary creator who revolutionized fashion on a global scale.
Booknumber: 60213 | Price: EUR 49.90
New African Fashion,
UK, Prestel, 2011. Hardback, 270x195mm, 288p, 250 colour illustrations. English edition. ISBN: 9783791346960
Ever since the late 1960s when Yves Saint Laurent and Paco Rabanne presented African-inspired collections, the textiles, details, and colors of Africa have moved into the realm of high fashion. In the past few years, young designers from the continent itself have emerged as people to watch in the fashion world. Helen Jennings, editor of award-winning ARISE magazine, offers in this book a brief history of African fashion, beauty and style, follows its influence on modern designers, and spotlights the best designers, photographers, and models from across the continent and the African diaspora. Profiling popular lines such as Duro Olowu, Jewel by Lisa, Black Coffee, and Eric Raisina, Jennings explores the myriad reasons why African fashion is having its moment in the sun. She shows how designers are looking beyond cliches of the African aesthetic by embracing both traditional and contemporary fabrics and garments, and how the passion for ethically and environmentally conscious clothing is fueling this trend. As colorful and exciting as the fashions it features, this volume will appeal to anyone interested in following the world's most exciting new fashion development.
Booknumber: 37897 | Price: EUR 26.95
Jim Heimann
Mid-Century Ads. 40th Ed.
TASCHEN, 2023. 1. Hardcover, 15.6 x 21.7 cm, 1.11 kg, 512 pages, NEW, Edition: English, French, German. ISBN: 9783836591478
Sit back with this anthology of ads and zoom back in time to the height of American postwar consumerism, when real life Don Drapers labored day and night to sell everything from girdles to guns. This panorama of midcentury marketing paints a fascinating portrait of the 1950s and ?60s, high in color, crisp fonts, and sexy, carefree capitalism.
Booknumber: 62539 | Price: EUR 25.00
John Sims
THE LITTLE BOOK OF ROLEX : The Story of the Iconic Brand
Welbeck, 2024. 1. HB, 180 x 125 mm, 160 p. EN edition, New, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9781802797596
Exquisite, timeless and enduring, Rolex is one of the most recognizable and sought-after luxury watch brands in the world. Established in 1905, the British-founded Swiss designer and manufacturer, Rolex, revolutionized the watchmaking industry with ground-breaking and innovative designs that continue to dominate worldwide. From the Oyster and Explorer to the Daytona, Submariner, the Little Book of Rolex tells the complete story of the brand. Packed with stunning images alongside authoritative, fascinating text, this is the perfect book for the myriad fans of the ultimate luxury timepiece and takes the Little Books of Fashion into an exciting new arena of men's accessories.
Booknumber: 63876 | Price: EUR 20.50
Jose Teunissen
Undressed by Marlies Dekkers.
Kunsthal, Rotterdam). halfcloth with dust jacket; unpag. 68 pages. / Exhibition catalogue. ISBN: 9080365211
Undressed by Marlies Dekkers.; publication focusing on women underwear Marlies Dekkers designed since 1991; (Kunsthal, Rotterdam) with text by Jose Teunissen in Dutch and English and samples of her work; publication focusing on women underwear Marlies Dekkers designed since 1991; (Kunsthal, Rotterdam) with text by Jose Teunissen in Dutch and English and samples of her work.
Booknumber: 57294 | Price: EUR 25.00
Kaat Debo ; Cathy Horyn ; Christoph Ruys, Oscar van den Boomgaard
Veronique Branquinho Moi, Veronique Branquhino TouTe Nue
Momu, Antwerpen,, 2008. Hardcover, 176 pages, Illustrated., 305 x 215 x 23 mm, ENG / NL edition ISBN: 9789079269020
The transition from teenage girl to women is an important theme in Branquinho's designs, an aspect which is reflected in the sources of inspiration she chooses ? David Hamilton's romantic photography, ambiguous characters like Laura Palmer from David Lynch's Twin Peaks, or Emmanuelle, from the erotic film with the same name. The fashion designer's collections produced since 1997 are collected together and presented here, accompanied by unique photographic material, and essays from a number of different contributors.
Booknumber: 54249 | Price: EUR 45.00
Karen Homer
Welbeck, 2020. 1. Hardcover, 160 pages, ENG, 185 x 130 mm, New, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9781787393776
Recounting Christian Dior's early life, the brand's inception, the triumphs of the couture collections on the catwalk and the red carpet, and the fashion house's evolution under Christian Dior's creative direction successors - Yves Saint Laurent, Marc Bohan, Gianfranco Ferré, John Galliano, Bill Gaytten, Raf Simons and Maria Grazia Chiuri - Little Book of Dior is a stylish gift for any lover of fashion.
Booknumber: 60294 | Price: EUR 17.50
Karen Homer
Welbeck, 2020. 1. Hardcover, 160 pages, ENG, 185 x 130 mm, New , illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9781787394582
Little Book of Gucci tells the story of the brand's beginnings as a luxury luggage and equestrian outfitter, recounting how the family overcame rifts and wartime hardship to be reborn as a giant of 1990s haute couture and, under Alessandro Michele's current stewardship, made its mark on streetwear and a new generation of fans. Over 100 gorgeously curated images showcase Gucci's edgy yet sensual designs, confirming its place as the most influential label of our times.
Booknumber: 60291 | Price: EUR 17.50
Karen Homer
Welbeck, 2022. 1. Hardcover, 160 pages, ENG, 185 x 130 mm, NEW, full of coloured pictures . ISBN: 9781802790115
The iconic bags, the instantly recognizable packaging, the celebrity fans - Hèrmes is the last word in luxurious accessories. Through the generations, Hermès have created innovative and exquisite accessories for the most glamorous customers. From their nineteenth-century saddlery workshop to 1960s Paris and beyond, Hermès has graced the arms and wardrobes of style icons from Grace Kelly and Jane Birkin to Victoria Beckham and Kim Kardashian. Little Book of Hermès tells the story of the evolution of the House of Hermès, through beautiful illustrations of the most coveted items and authoritative text by fashion historian Karen Homer.
Booknumber: 59259 | Price: EUR 17.50
Karen Homer
Welbeck, 2022. 2 ed.. Hardcover, 160 pages, ENG, 185 x 130 mm, New edition, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9781787397415
Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived. Detailing the global expansion of Louis Vuitton in the 1980s, the creation of the powerful fashion conglomerate LVMH, and the appointment in 1997 of Marc Jacobs, this is the story of a transformation from luggage company to high-fashion label. Louis Vuitton's continued evolution under the creative direction of Nicolas Ghesquière and Virgil Abloh is also depicted through fabulous images and captivating text.
Booknumber: 60354 | Price: EUR 18.50
Karen Homer
Welbeck, 2022. 1. Hardcover, 160 pages, ENG, 185 x 130 mm, New, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN: 9781802790146
To have a colour named after you is one of the highest accolades in fashion. Valentino Garavani is one such icon. Since the founding of the House of Valentino in 1950s Rome, Garavani has been celebrated for the desirability of his designs. His stunning gowns in his signature Valentino Red have been sought after by the jet set for over half a century, and still signify the very epitome of red carpet glamour. Little Book of Valentino tells the story of this most elegant of brands. Beginning with Garavani's initiation into the world of haute couture in 1950s Paris, progressing through the glittering social scene of 1970s New York and Valentino's domination of Hollywood from the 1980s to the present day, images of every dazzling era are beautifully reproduced alongside text exploring the significance of each stunning piece.
Booknumber: 60292 | Price: EUR 17.50
Karl von der Ahé, Saskia Lubnow
Gianni Versace | Retrospective
Waanders / Groninger Museum, 2022. 1. Hardcover, 178 pag. NL, 295 x 235 mm, NIEUW, Circa 150 afbeeldingen in kleur
. ISBN: 9789462585188 Gianni Versace. Een naam die je direct associeert met stijl, weerbarstige verfijning ? kleur, creativiteit, kunst. In Gianni Versace Retrospective komt het werk een van de meest invloedrijke couturiers ooit tot leven. De excentrieke Italiaanse modeontwerper Gianni Versace neemt je mee in de wereld van extravagante kleding en uitbundige catwalkshows waarin mode, pop en design op spectaculaire wijze samenkomen. Gianni Versace werd 25 jaar geleden vermoord, maar zijn vooruitstrevende filosofie is nog steeds herkenbaar in het modebeeld van nu. Het Groninger Museum eert Gianni Versace en zijn baanbrekende ontwerpen in een grootse tentoonstelling. Spectaculaire foto?s van heren- en damesoutfits, accessoires, stoffen, tekeningen, interieurdesigns en filmopnames van de legendarische shows uit zijn glorietijd tussen 1989 en 1997 laten zien hoe uitzonderlijk creatief Gianni Versace was. Hij verbond mode met muziek, fotografie en grafisch ontwerp en liep hiermee voorop bij de transformatie van modeshows en reclamecampagnes in kunstwerken. De Italiaan wist de kunsten samen te brengen zoals nog nooit eerder vertoond. Booknumber: 61234 | Price: EUR 39.95
. ISBN: 9789462585188 Gianni Versace. Een naam die je direct associeert met stijl, weerbarstige verfijning ? kleur, creativiteit, kunst. In Gianni Versace Retrospective komt het werk een van de meest invloedrijke couturiers ooit tot leven. De excentrieke Italiaanse modeontwerper Gianni Versace neemt je mee in de wereld van extravagante kleding en uitbundige catwalkshows waarin mode, pop en design op spectaculaire wijze samenkomen. Gianni Versace werd 25 jaar geleden vermoord, maar zijn vooruitstrevende filosofie is nog steeds herkenbaar in het modebeeld van nu. Het Groninger Museum eert Gianni Versace en zijn baanbrekende ontwerpen in een grootse tentoonstelling. Spectaculaire foto?s van heren- en damesoutfits, accessoires, stoffen, tekeningen, interieurdesigns en filmopnames van de legendarische shows uit zijn glorietijd tussen 1989 en 1997 laten zien hoe uitzonderlijk creatief Gianni Versace was. Hij verbond mode met muziek, fotografie en grafisch ontwerp en liep hiermee voorop bij de transformatie van modeshows en reclamecampagnes in kunstwerken. De Italiaan wist de kunsten samen te brengen zoals nog nooit eerder vertoond. Booknumber: 61234 | Price: EUR 39.95