Nieuw binnengekomen
Sofie van Loo
TIME SPACE POKER FACE. Kunstenaarsboek 9789491775024
MER Paper Kunsthalle, 2013.. softcover 164 pages / 27 x 21 cm. ill kleur.
This is the catalogue of the eponym exhibition held at be-Part, Waregem in the Spring of 2013. The exhibition included ten artists from various countries and various generations, including Nel Aerts, Peter Buggenhout, Adriano Costa, Laurent Dupont-Garitte, Willem Oorebeek, Alexandra Reynolds, Jani Ruscica, Joëlle Tuerlinckx, Joke Van den Heuvel and Adriaan Verwée. The show was curated by Sofie Van Loo.
EUR 29.00