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Claude Parent et Paul Virilio Architecture principe (revue), 1966 / / All published. // 9 NRS. Cette revue constitue le manifeste du Groupe Architecture Principe de Claude Parent et Paul Virilio. Groupe Architecture principe, 1966.. 9 magazines complet in good condition. 26cm x 22cm, With illustrations in b/w.Texte en Francais. Number; 1/ Claude Parent et Paul Virilio- Number 2/ le troisi�me ordre urbain - Number 3/ le potentialisme - Number 4/ Nevers chantier - Number 5/ circulation habitable - Number 6/ la cit� m�diate - Number 7/ bunker arch�ologie - Number 8/ pouvoir et imagination - Number 9/ Charleville �tude. = all published. Claude Parent (1923-2016) and Paul Virilio (1932-2018) founded the Architecture Principe group in 1963, with painter Michel Carrade and sculptor Morice Lipsi. The oblique function would be the thread running throughout the nine issues of their magazine Architecture Principe, which were published between February and December 1966 EUR 1250.00 Verder winkelen In winkelwagen

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